Status of allowed libraries in Harbour
asked 2019-09-19 12:27:51 +0200
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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
This is a recurrent topic, and there are already several questions in TJC about the status of this or that API / library in harbour. Some libraries are still not allowed in Harbour for valid reasons of stability (in term of API) or support. Since all of them are open source, when some implementation is fragile or need to be reworked, it can be the task of the community to do so.
The aim of this wiki is to centralize a list of desired libraries / APIs from the community point of view that should be allowed in harbour. There can be an exchange then between Harbour keepers and developpers on identifying blocking parts and how, per library, to improve the situation.
Use the answers to list libraries, and make the answers as wiki so they can be detailed further on why they are desidered, what is blocking for Harbour integration and what task can be done to raise the blockers.
I would like to thanks Jolla employees who take this initiative seriously enough to bring some answers and involve the community in the process.
Damien Caliste ( 2019-10-03 17:11:33 +0200 )edit