Unable to create Google account [answered]
I'm unable to create a Google Account in the settings. After agreeing to the terms of use I was forwarded to the Google account login. There I entered the login name and the password. But after I agreed that Jolla gets access to e-mails, contacts and so on, I was redirected to a page that says I have to copy a shown code to the application (In German: "Kopieren Sie diesen Code, wechseln Sie zu Ihrer Anwendung und geben Sie ihn dort ein: XXXX"). I can not copy the code and there is also no place to paste the code to.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong?
I'm using with Xperia X.
The chances are it is a problem (among many) with Sailfish Browser.
Try a different browser, like Webcat from Jolla Store.
Spam Hunter ( 2019-11-10 14:34:50 +0200 )editsame here, just now discovered: Settings informed me the Google account is disconnected, So I want to go to google login but that screen is black. So I delete my google account (in Settings) and create it fresh. However after the consent page I get the black screen again. Something's wrong with for XperiaX here. (Now I pkcon update but it seems stuck on downloading packages respectively gives fatal errors.) Second try pkcon update worked well but I still get a black google account login page. Xperia XA2 does not do that.
danfin ( 2019-11-10 19:37:25 +0200 )editcan't be the browser, as the consent google conditions screen happens in settings and the (now black) google account dialog too.
danfin ( 2019-11-10 22:11:38 +0200 )editI filed a request at Jolla's Service department, the zendesk.
danfin ( 2019-11-11 12:26:57 +0200 )editI get the "copy code" page too.
vattuvarg ( 2019-12-08 12:02:31 +0200 )edit