Sailfish shows not wifi networks [answered]
Hello, on my XA2 the wifi is usually working properly, i have no problems connecting to a wlan network that is saved in my list of known networks. However, connecting to a new network the phone doesn't know, doesn't work most of the time. The phone simply does not show any of the networks available. The tools restarting wlan via settings or switching airplane mode on/off doesn't solve the problem. Is there a workaround?
For me, deactivating the device lock faith text from patchmanager did the trick.
Kopekenscheich ( 2019-11-29 23:37:40 +0200 )editI have the same problem. Can someone give me a step by step instruction how to fix this?
EDIT: It works now. Cant really say why it is working now. Just shutted off the phone. Waited a few minutes and powered it on again.
Somstar ( 2019-12-03 18:27:37 +0200 )edit