/ Xperia 10 / Threema audio from peer not available
I noticed that on the Xperia 10 phone with Aliendalvik-8 (SFOS the Threema messaging app does not get the audio from the chat peer. Briefly, initiating a audio call gets established, my counterpart is hearing me but I do not hear him. Is this an audio routing problem (pulseaudio) for this Android application? Does some one have the same platform and can confirm this behavior?
i think there are some issues with media playback in android on x10. None of my andr apps can play video or audio. Native apps are fine though
I believe other users also reprorted this.
Hopefully will be fixed in next update
virgi26 ( 2019-12-09 23:20:07 +0200 )editThis might help: https://together.jolla.com/question/212018/telephone-conversations-sound-and-recording-are-very-quiet/?answer=217670#post-id-217670
777 ( 2019-12-11 07:05:07 +0200 )edit