Bluetooth icon is showing even when bluetooth is off [duplicate]
A minor bug. If you turn off bluetooth from the phone when it's connected to a bluetooth device the bluetooth icon is left visible in the top bar. Also, the bluetooth quick toggle in the top menu is on and shows the device name.
If you go the the bluetooth settings there the bluetooth is seen to be off. It seems really that it is off because no connection is made to the bluetooth device.
Everything works fine if you turn off the bluetooth device before toggling off bluetooth from the phone.
I think this is a new bug in Torronsuo.
Sailfish, Sony Xperia XA2 and Jolla C. Bluetooth device in question was a bluetooth headset PLV V6200 Series.
Definitely a duplicate.
Known for longer time, not new to this release.
peterleinchen ( 2019-12-10 00:31:07 +0200 )edit