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List installed apps

asked 2019-12-25 23:24:53 +0200

mirumger gravatar image

Since the android support of my device shows a strange behavior, Iwould like to reinstall it. For making the reinstall the lost android apps easier it would be great to have list of the installed android apps before reinstalling the android support. Is there an easy way to list the installed android apps?

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Simple way: as root

"pkcon install aliendalvik"

this reinstall AD and all App and AppData bleiben erhalten ;)

011011010110101001100001 ( 2019-12-25 23:32:55 +0200 )edit

Thanks, the reinstallation works fine, but did not solve my issues with app that starts sometimes working with enomous delay of 10 to 15 minutes.

mirumger ( 2019-12-26 14:13:32 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-12-26 00:48:21 +0200

DrYak gravatar image

updated 2019-12-26 23:54:41 +0200

The installed apps are in :


On Xperia XA2, 10 and other android 8.1 alien-dalvik: it's directories containing the various split APKs, the prebuitlt libraries and the AOT compiled dinaries.

On Jolla C, Xperia X and other 4.4 alien-dalvik: it's a collection of APKs.


As reported in the comments below (thanks for.pointing out!) :

Jolla 1 uses /data/app and /opt/alien/data/app instead (this smartphone has a different layout using BTRFS subvolumes instead of LVM partitions).

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On my Jolla Phone (SFOS there is no /home/.android!

I got /data/app and /opt/alien/data/app.

So in my case I would type in terminal:

ls /data/app > /home/nemo/applist

ls /opt/alien/data/app > /home/nemo/applist2

Pohli ( 2019-12-26 13:19:43 +0200 )edit

Thanks that's I've been looking for.

mirumger ( 2019-12-26 14:23:56 +0200 )edit

@Pohli , oh yeah, right, I completely forgot that Jolla 1 uses multiple sub-volumes in a single BTRFS partition (and not multiple different LVM partitions) and thus has yet another layout.

Thanks for pointing out!

DrYak ( 2019-12-26 23:51:17 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-12-27 05:47:47 +0200

Olsen gravatar image

You ask for an easy way: just install 'Quick Launcher' from Jolla store.

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The comments in the store say this app does not work on 3.2. Last update was 2015, so it looks unmaintained.

Sebix ( 2019-12-27 12:25:03 +0200 )edit

@Sebix: Oops; you're right. It doesn't work for its main purpose -- launching apps. It does work for listing all installed apps though.

Olsen ( 2019-12-27 13:08:54 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-12-25 23:24:53 +0200

Seen: 634 times

Last updated: Dec 27 '19