NFS and CIFS kernel modules for Sailfish X
It seems NFS and CIFS kernel modules are not currently included in Sailfish X's kernel. Is that correct? Any plan on adding them in a future update?
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It seems NFS and CIFS kernel modules are not currently included in Sailfish X's kernel. Is that correct? Any plan on adding them in a future update?
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Asked: 2019-12-30 06:06:12 +0200
Seen: 307 times
Last updated: Dec 30 '19
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on which device? iirc, they were disabled due to security flaws
tortoisedoc ( 2019-12-30 09:20:46 +0200 )editStrange. I think I have seen them enabled for Xperia 10 / AOSP9 port. But that's reading the kernel configs when making port for XZ{2,3}
rinigus ( 2019-12-30 10:49:23 +0200 )edit@tortoisedoc Xperia X and XA2, maybe that is why it might be different with Xperia 10 @rinigus?
Kabouik ( 2019-12-30 18:25:30 +0200 )editMy data comes from
Don't know much about others
rinigus ( 2019-12-30 19:27:47 +0200 )edityep kernels are device-specific :|
tortoisedoc ( 2020-01-03 23:00:00 +0200 )edit