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asked 2020-01-07 13:02:25 +0200

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updated 2020-01-08 22:44:20 +0200

Nokius gravatar image


Let's meet face to face, discuss in the community topics.

Like the last Years we had BoF and community dinner in Brussels on the FOSDEM's Saturday evening, let's do this again!

Community round-table

let's see if we can get a room in the H building on Saturday!

more to be announced later check here for updates.

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-01-08 22:40:56 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2020-01-31 17:41:50 +0200

RodSeq gravatar image


It's FOSDEM again, let's meet and have dinner and fun! \o/

For 2020 the plan is to enjoy the evening (again) at

La Kasbah (Moroccan cuisine)

Antoine Dansaertstraat 20
1000 Brussel

Reserved is a table for 25 pax for 19:30 Saturday 01.02.

yes it 25 and we can eat à la carte!

The menu (should be an affordable place for everyone)

Please select (if possible) your main choice from the menu and add it after your name. Thanks

the following list has been send to the restaurant
  1. Nokius (Tajine of lamb with prunes and grilled almonds)
  2. Ygriega (Grill Kasbah)
  3. ljo (Large mezze, Festival of sorbet)
  4. pasik (Harira Moroccan soup, Grill Kasbah Skewer of lamb, Oriental sausage, chicken)
  5. Louis (Harira Moroccan soup, Grill Kasbah Skewer of lamb, Oriental sausage, chicken, Ice cream Thousand ans One Night)
  6. Knud (Harira Moroccan soup, Tajine of lamb with raisin, onions and sesame seeds, Ice cream Thousand ans One Night)
  7. cybette (Tajine of chicken with prunes, almonds and sesame seeds)
  8. eetu (Skewer of lamb with couscous)
  9. Thaodan (Large Mezze, Brick with eggs)
  10. JayBeRayBearGun (Grill Kasbah Skewer of lamb, Oriental sausage, chicken)
  11. Timur Kristóf /Venemo/ (Tajine of lamb with vegetables)
  12. Bob Summerwill (Tajine of lamb with vegetables)
  13. Yaz Khoury (Skewer Kasbah)
  14. mosen (Grill Kasbah)
  15. friese (couscous with vegetables)
  16. flypig (Tajine with vegetables)
  17. chenliangchen (skewer of chicken)
  18. evils (couscous with skewer kasbah)
  19. netman (tajine of chicken with preserved lemon and olives)
  20. jussi (Tajine of chicken with vegetables)
  21. JvD (Tajine minced meat with tomato sauce)
  22. steph (tajine of chicken with preserved lemon and olives)
  23. stuart (Tajine of chicken with vegetables)
  24. carsten ((tajine of chicken with preserved lemon and olives)
  25. carsten+1 (menu coming soon)
  26. neochapay (Skewer of lamb)
  27. A.S. (Tajine of lamb with raisin, onions and sesame seeds)
  28. Rodolphe (Tajine of lamb with prunes and grilled almonds)

* please bring your 💵 / 💳 *
Be so kind and not leave without paying for your food and drinks Thanks (=
In case you are "plus one" reserve a chair for your "plus one" too in total we have just 25 chairs not more!

cu in all in Brussels!

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If you want rice accompanied with my main dish should I just write "rice"? I can't find in on the menu nor the price :) - if nobody knows I can just email the restaurant.

Louis ( 2020-01-09 01:52:09 +0200 )edit

Any deadline for food selection? Daniel is done with his exams by the 28th of January and would like to wait until then.

Louis ( 2020-01-09 17:48:08 +0200 )edit

yes please add it after your order may with * (stars) I will forward it =)

latest is Sunday before so it out by Monday. If he wanna join and has no idea what to eat he can keep the chair and order in the restaurant (it's an exception just for him)

Nokius ( 2020-01-10 01:27:15 +0200 )edit

Thanks @Nokius. I'll see if I can get in touch with him in time or else he can order at the restaurant.

Louis ( 2020-01-10 16:52:35 +0200 )edit

Hi there,

long-time lurker (well, actually one of #thefirstone's) without enough karma to edit this post here. Would love to come and meet the community though. Food selection: couscous with vegetables

friese ( 2020-01-19 21:21:54 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-01-07 13:02:25 +0200

Seen: 3,313 times

Last updated: Jan 31 '20