New contacts added to all synced accounts

asked 2020-01-24 00:15:25 +0200

I created a new contact from the phone app, and I was surprised that it was created and synced to all my contacts accounts (3 google accounts, for home/work/..). The contact also shows 7 links.

Now, this is better than syncing in the wrong account or not at all, but it does duplicate it across every contact account I have set up.

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Thanks for the links. The issues might be related, however the specific bug is not a duplicate. Contacts are not randomly stored into one account, but duplicated in all of them. Maybe providing an account choice for contacts (like calendars) might fix this particular bug and the multiple bugs you referenced too.

orangecat ( 2020-01-24 13:04:03 +0200 )edit

Currently the contact syncs the created contact in all of the available and activated accounts. Are you saying, that you get multiple entries of the same contact on some of the sync accounts or multiple entries in the people app? The links just show where you have the contact synced.

raketti ( 2020-01-24 13:06:41 +0200 )edit

@raketti, thanks. Then it is a normal behavior that contacts are synced on all accounts (I thought it was unintended behavior). I guess better sync to all than none, at least there is less risk of data loss.

The links page showed 7 links (6 with a web icon and "google" text, and one with phone icon), but the contact itself is not duplicated in People's app, nor it is duplicated on google accounts (only appears once per account).

orangecat ( 2020-01-24 15:32:19 +0200 )edit

I've been following the sync topic for the past 12y, I think there is a lot to improve in Sailfish X. IMO the problem is that you can not define which phone book syncs with which account. They somehow merge in the background, but you completely loose the track what belongs where. Well, I think there is only one phone book, but never found time to look into it.

deloptes ( 2020-01-26 01:19:46 +0200 )edit