A "Question" about our calendar app with "feature-request".
Hi Fellows, do you like "our" calendar app? For me it is the 3rd importend app (after browser and messenger), but if you have to use (at the office) outlook or see the android app "a-calendar" at the mobile of my wife, then you'll know that this kind of calendar, that we use is ..... not that good. There is no chance to see a complett week, no different colours for different events .... The look an feel is ... not easy.
Is there somebody who know a useful app, that looks and work easy, maybe as an android app?? BUT, I was movin' to sailfish because of Microsoft and Google, I don't want to use them here also!
So maybe someone who is able to develop our calendar is reading my wishes and find a way to make it better?!!? Sorry, but I can't help you ... :-((
If there is any workaround until we (you) find a calendar solution/developing, I'll take it!!
Thank you for understanding,
Sadly the app itself is closed source, as you may know. So not so much community driven evolution possible. That being said, the middle ware it is based on is open source and easy to modify. I'm not using Android, so I don't know what you prefer in the other apps that is missing here. Can you give a list of what feature you would like to have ? I've understand that a week view is missing. Or a way to colour events.
Damien Caliste ( 2020-03-04 21:20:21 +0200 )editYes, I agree with you, the calendar app could be improved. Besides, there is the problem that you cannot use an android calendar at the moment because aliendalvik does not support it. On Xperia X, however, with the old android version, this has been supported. I really hope that Jolla is enabling this feature in future updates or improving their calendar app. It is a little bit frustrating that the three most important apps, viz. browser, email and calendar, are so halfheartedly taken care of. But whom am I telling this, it has been said many times before.
Woidboy ( 2020-03-04 21:59:39 +0200 )editthanks you so much
nhacdanca ( 2020-03-05 08:49:42 +0200 )editwhat exactly is not supported in Alien Dalvik? I tried to install "simple calendar" from fdroid and I can set events and get notifications. Is CalDAV the problem?
Kekskopf ( 2020-03-05 13:26:40 +0200 )editThe problem is that the Sailfish calendars (including CalDAV calendars) are not visible under Alien Dalvik, compared to contacts, for instance, which are accessible from both sides.
Woidboy ( 2020-03-05 18:44:48 +0200 )edit