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[] no sounds in phone

asked 2020-04-04 13:26:54 +0200

juiceme gravatar image

I updated my XperiaX to Rokua and everything else seems OK barring the fact that there is no sound at all from the device, not using the built-in speakers, BT headset or wired headset.

Seems the sound input (microphone) is also not working since I tried making a call and also the other end cannot hear anything that I say. (again, using built-in mic, BT headset or wired headset)

From journal I can see that pulseaudio seems to be not working at all:

[root@Sailfish nemo]# journalctl -a --no-pager -u pulseaudio
-- Logs begin at Sat 2020-04-04 13:09:04 EEST, end at Sat 2020-04-04 13:24:29 EEST. --
Apr 04 13:09:05 Sailfish systemd[1]: Starting PulseAudio (system-wide mode)...
Apr 04 13:09:05 Sailfish pulseaudio[780]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set.
Apr 04 13:09:05 Sailfish pulseaudio[780]: N: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode.
Apr 04 13:09:05 Sailfish pulseaudio[780]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: OK, so you are running PA in system mode. Please make sure that you actually do want to do that.
Apr 04 13:09:05 Sailfish pulseaudio[780]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Please read http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/WhatIsWrongWithSystemWide/ for an explanation why system mode is usually a bad idea.
Apr 04 13:09:36 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 04 13:09:51 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: State 'stop-final-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Apr 04 13:09:51 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Apr 04 13:09:51 Sailfish systemd[1]: Failed to start PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:09:51 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 04 13:09:51 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish systemd[1]: Stopped PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish systemd[1]: Starting PulseAudio (system-wide mode)...
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish pulseaudio[2987]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set.
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish pulseaudio[2987]: N: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode.
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish pulseaudio[2987]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: OK, so you are running PA in system mode. Please make sure that you actually do want to do that.
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish pulseaudio[2987]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Please read http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/WhatIsWrongWithSystemWide/ for an explanation why system mode is usually a bad idea.
Apr 04 13:09:52 Sailfish pulseaudio[2987]: W: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
Apr 04 13:10:22 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 04 13:10:38 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: State 'stop-final-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Apr 04 13:10:38 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Apr 04 13:10:38 Sailfish systemd[1]: Failed to start PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:10:38 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 04 13:10:38 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish systemd[1]: Stopped PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish systemd[1]: Starting PulseAudio (system-wide mode)...
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish pulseaudio[3260]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set.
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish pulseaudio[3260]: N: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode.
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish pulseaudio[3260]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: OK, so you are running PA in system mode. Please make sure that you actually do want to do that.
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish pulseaudio[3260]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Please read http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/WhatIsWrongWithSystemWide/ for an explanation why system mode is usually a bad idea.
Apr 04 13:10:39 Sailfish pulseaudio[3260]: W: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
Apr 04 13:11:10 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 04 13:11:25 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: State 'stop-final-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Apr 04 13:11:25 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Apr 04 13:11:25 Sailfish systemd[1]: Failed to start PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:11:25 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 04 13:11:25 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish systemd[1]: Stopped PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish systemd[1]: Starting PulseAudio (system-wide mode)...
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish pulseaudio[3975]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set.
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish pulseaudio[3975]: N: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode.
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish pulseaudio[3975]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: OK, so you are running PA in system mode. Please make sure that you actually do want to do that.
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish pulseaudio[3975]: W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Please read http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/WhatIsWrongWithSystemWide/ for an explanation why system mode is usually a bad idea.
Apr 04 13:11:27 Sailfish pulseaudio[3975]: W: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
Apr 04 13:11:57 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 04 13:12:12 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: State 'stop-final-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Apr 04 13:12:12 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Apr 04 13:12:12 Sailfish systemd[1]: Failed to start PulseAudio (system-wide mode).
Apr 04 13:12:12 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 04 13:12:12 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Apr 04 13:12:13 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
Apr 04 13:12:13 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 04 13:12:13 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 04 13:12:13 Sailfish systemd[1]: pulseaudio.service: Failed with result 'start-limit'.
[root@Sailfish nemo]# 
[root@Sailfish nemo]#
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Checked out sound playback on my Xperia X (single sim version) but it seems to work as expected.

Nekron ( 2020-04-04 13:56:48 +0200 )edit

@Nekron could you please do "journalctl -a | grep pulseaudio" as root and give me the results what it should look like?

juiceme ( 2020-04-04 14:40:39 +0200 )edit

After reboot and playing some music checked logs but found only

[root@Sailfish nemo]# journalctl -a --no-pager -u pulseaudio -- No entries -- [root@Sailfish nemo]#

Looks like pulseaudio is not writing any logs.

Nekron ( 2020-04-04 15:03:38 +0200 )edit

Thank you very much, then I am fairly sure my pulseaudio is badly borked since it spews logs at such a rate.

juiceme ( 2020-04-04 15:12:27 +0200 )edit

Allright, decided to revert to factory defaults.

Bummer, it threw me back to which means I'll have to update through a lot of intermediate versions to get back to :(

juiceme ( 2020-04-04 15:41:52 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2020-04-05 10:26:41 +0200

Fellfrosch gravatar image

Well I reopened this thread, because I also had no sound after the update. No reboot helped. I was unable to set volume. I now disabled all my patches and after a reboot sound is here again. So I have to look which patch is the culprit...

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Interesting that removing patches helped; my device is not patched at all and still I got to the same condition... hence cannot remove patches of course :)

Did you check the journal, was the problem similar to mine so that pulseaudio could not acquire access to sound hardware and threw the sppon to the corner?

juiceme ( 2020-04-05 11:43:28 +0200 )edit

I also checked my journal. I think it was something different. My journal was empty. Funny enough, I recognized, that pulseaudio was not always started. But starting it manually didn't help. There were some errors when starting it manually anyway it started. And once I got some crippled sound.

Fellfrosch ( 2020-04-05 14:26:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-04 21:53:54 +0200

juiceme gravatar image

Right, answering to myself; Seems that factory reset fixed it. I went back to and then updated from version to version 4 times untill I am back to

Now I have sound again in my device.

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I have same issue. Annoying solution had hoped for an easier fix.

mf1910 ( 2020-04-05 03:38:21 +0200 )edit

Same here but with a difference: The upgrade worked fine and audio was still working. Then I decided to encrypt the device and since then audio is lost.

dirk.mahler ( 2020-04-06 16:19:03 +0200 )edit

I have to confess I am not sure whether I originally lost my sound immediately after the upgrade or only after encrypting it, since the first time I did it I encrypted the device immediately after the upgrade.

juiceme ( 2020-04-06 19:48:52 +0200 )edit

Same for me. Upgrade + encrypt and bam, no sound at all. Problems with starting pulse. Still trying to figure out whats wrong with it. I prefer not to go factory reset way.

johny ( 2020-04-06 21:24:06 +0200 )edit

Very strange. After each boot i have to:

as root delete

rm /run/pulse/pid

and then start pulse as nemo:

systemctl --user start pulseaudio

This seems to help. Looks like pulse is starting as root but it is unable to run fully but it leaves pid in /run/pulse so nemo instance of pulse is unable to start. I dont know if it should try to start as root, because roots pulseaudio.service cannot be started manually and its running only as dependency of emergency-call.target.

Looks like encryption is starting 'emergency-call.targer' when 'sailfish-unlock-agent.service' starts. For me it looks like it should stop that service at some point.

johny ( 2020-04-06 22:24:17 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-04-04 13:26:54 +0200

Seen: 550 times

Last updated: Apr 05 '20