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Which Messenger? [off-topic]

asked 2020-04-08 22:01:53 +0200

updated 2020-04-09 21:13:01 +0200

I have seen that here are some posts about different messengers, but most of them are a few years old and probably partly out of date. I have not decided yet if I'm going to install Whatsapp or not. Before I decide I would like to know a few things. A few years ago when I decided that I want to change from Whatsapp to another one when changing to Sailfish, I had Threema in my head, but now that I have checked the permissions, I'm not so sure anymore.

Is there any messenger that fits to what I'm looking for? 1. Just a few permissions that are really needed. 2. texting, voice messages, able to send different files/pictures/videos, (maybe groups possible) 3. Easy to install & use for people with no/less experience to program

I'm also interested to know if it is possible to use Whatsapp, but don't give permission to a few things. I took a look at the picture of the permissions on the Jolla site: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203442828-WhatsApp-sovelluksen-Android-version-asentaminen-Jollaan Can somebody tell if the app still works if you turn off the following permissions? Camera, Location, SMS, Telephone. If I check in the Store, it's also saying that WhatsApp wants permission for fingerprint. Can that be turned off also without any problem?

I know this are a lot of questions in one post but they all have to do with each other and are important for me to decide.

Xperia 10

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I have Wire App on my XA2. I think this app fits most of your requirements and it is not a US based app. Chat, video call, file transfer, groups are all supported.

777 ( 2020-04-08 23:32:14 +0200 )edit

What device are you using?, update your tags to reflect your device type, it always good to divulge which device you are using, it helps with the quality of responses you receive from users here on TJC.

So, why don't you just install it and you can answer most of your questions yourself. Most, if not all 'free' Android apps want to steal your data, after all Whatsapp is owned by Facebook. If you do install Whatsapp be sure to have Alien Dalvik installed from Jolla Store, no need for Google Play/Store. Furthermore, download Whastapp directly from Whatsapp's website; https://www.whatsapp.com/android/

As for permissions being turned on/off, I have little to no idea, I don't take any notice of such things personally, also, bear in mind that many of the functions of Whatsapp don't work when used on SailfishOS. I will take a guess and say 'no' to some of what you're asking regarding permissions, so just install it and try it.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-08 23:40:41 +0200 )edit

I personally use Depecher for messaging, a native Telegram client. It doesn't support voice calls but none of the native apps do, I think it's a Jolla VoIP problem that they need to fix. Apart from not having voice and video calls, it works great for everything else.

apostrof ( 2020-04-09 03:28:50 +0200 )edit


I updated your tags, despite that you have added your device type to your question. It makes searching easier for other users if tags are used and possibly helps avoid duplicate questions being posted.

Spam Hunter ( 2020-04-09 14:01:45 +0200 )edit

hey, found a website regarding what messenger to use with respect to privacy/security that might be of interest for you. Unfortunately it's in german, but shouldn't be an issue for you I guess: Messengers

Wolfson ( 2020-04-10 00:03:51 +0200 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2020-04-09 13:59:00 +0200

harbourlights gravatar image

Signal makes it easy for people to switch over from WhatsApp – the UI design is quite similar, while the software design is very different (= not surveillance-based). If you want to avoid Google Services being involved, you can download the apk directly here: https://signal.org/android/apk/

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Did you try video calls in Signal? It never worked for me...

cg ( 2020-04-09 23:06:36 +0200 )edit

In my case, the sync with the address book does not work. So the signal app 1) can't check for people in my address book that use signal 2) when someone chats me, I only see the plain phone number and the chosen short name. If I then want to add the contact, it adds it to my SFOS contacts as a new contact, even if I already have that contact...

Using XA2 with 3.2.1.

Wolfson ( 2020-04-10 00:08:31 +0200 )edit

@cg I haven't tried Signal video calls with my XA2 myself, but have seen others do it on their Jolla C, albeit shakily.

@Wolfson I can confirm this behavior, which for most is a definitive bug but for me is kind of a feature, as I don't want to spill all my contacts into Signal and vice versa.

harbourlights ( 2020-04-12 19:51:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-09 08:13:05 +0200

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2020-04-09 08:13:05 +0200

willi gravatar image

Hi, you should use Conversations from Fdroid. it gives you all the settings you need. free open secure decentral omemo xmpp - works great I wish to get that native in SFOS sometime!

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Or Quicksy. This is a special version of Conversations that is more easy to get started with. An account is automatically created with your phone number and your contacts (that also use Quicksy) are automatically added. Still you can add any XMPP contacts no matter if they use Quicksy or not. And its completely free of charge (in F-Droid and in Google Play). p.s. Conversations and Quicksy work pretty well on Sailfish/AlienDalvik.

Mario ( 2020-04-10 18:46:20 +0200 )edit

Btw, the developer of Conversations and Quicksy is from Germany. The servers are also located in Germany, if you use Quicksy or make an account at conversations.im. So it's not US based. But in general, XMPP is an open and federated system, so you can use any XMPP server you want (with Conversations, by design Quicksy automatically creates an account on their server).

Mario ( 2020-04-11 12:13:21 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-09 10:32:26 +0200

broncheolus gravatar image

Hi Sirous! I have been using DeltChat for some years now. It's based on E-Mail so you can choose which ever email service you want, so it's decentralised, is easy to configure and easy to use, like a normal messenger. It also has a Desktop version which you can use in parallel, all your messages will be synced. You can have it on as many devices as you want and always have your messages. There's a client for IOS, too. The messages are encrypted. It's a pity it's not ported to sailfish. Greetings, broncheolus.

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answered 2020-04-09 09:19:22 +0200

hsjpekka gravatar image

I don't know what happens if you don't give the rights, but I believe that at least these don't work:

  • Camera - one can take a picture in whatsapp and send it in a message; adding a picture from gallery doesn't probably require rights in using camera
  • Location - one can share the current location with a message group
  • SMS - whatsapp can detect the activation code, but it has never worked in my Sailfish phones
  • Telephone - whatsapp phone calls
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answered 2020-04-10 20:32:06 +0200

santeira gravatar image

hey there,

how's briar? https://briarproject.org/ maybe someone in here, already knows something about it? I think it can be worth a try...

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I'm using it on a daily basis with people I met in Real Life, though you can also exchange contact keys via weblink, using another messenger/email/SMS for that. None of us encountered a problem up to now, though I seem to be the only SFOS user among us. The great problem is getting people to use Briar instead of Whatsapp as most of them fear the unknown. Btw, I'm using SFOSX on XA2+, Briar.apk for Android via either Briarproject.org or F-droid

Lutwolf ( 2020-04-24 15:29:55 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-04-26 11:47:09 +0200

WT.Sane gravatar image

One question might be whether you want to communicate to a defined group or need something for a wider community.

WhattsApp is a security nightmare but rather popular. I do not use it and still have a social life.

Signal and Threema are far less popular but seem to be stable, under current development and are comfortable enough to convince people to use it. My company uses Threema and some friends Signal. Works fine on Sailfish.Calls do not work with Threema, though.

Still acceptable but not encrypted by default and with a somehow shady history there is Telegram which is surprisingly popular. Maybe because people do not care. But even Telegram with encryption is imho acceptable. also works finde on Sailfish.

There are many other, even better solutions but they are mostly not very popular, cross-platform and under stable development. They might though fit the needs of small groups.

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Asked: 2020-04-08 22:01:53 +0200

Seen: 1,647 times

Last updated: Apr 26 '20