Trying to get physical keyboards to work with AlienDalvik and Flatpak
Hi sailors!
My bluetooth keyboard works perfectly with SaiflishOS, but: I want to get my physical bluetooth keyboard to work with AlienDalvik apps and Flatpak apps with the german layout (and any other layout!) . Perhaps some of you know, that the physical keyboard is stuck with US keymap for Android apps and Flatpak.
I am stuck with searching for the alien_wayland_keyboard and where its configuration files are. I believe that this is the crossing, where things come together. Here are two screenshots on my way to try to find out, what is happening.
AD menu Languages & Input devices. You can see the topic "Physische Tastatur", which is the hardware keyboard.
AD menu Hardware keyboard. You see, that I have added IBM keyboards with an Android app and changed it to German (IBM), but my bluetooth keyboard still writes with US keymap
The configuration files and stuff for AlienDalvik seem to be somewhere in /opt/alien/system.img
. How can I extract the image? I have tried: simg2img
, unyaffs
and unpackbootimg
. No success...
Next step forward: sudo unsquashfs system.img
extracts the file.
Searching for alien_wayland_keyboard
within these files didn't bring up any.
I can see, that there is a generic keymap within system.img in the file /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
and qwerty.kl
. There are no keymaps in /usr/share/X11/xkb
. This leads to my assumption, that AlienDalvik goes back to the generic keyboard for compatibility reasons.
So, what's the next step?
Where is this alien_wayland_keyboard? Is it some SFOS piece, that I can't find, not something from AlienDalvik?
In the meantime, I have realized, that the same behavior is happening with flatpak within the Angelfish browser. So this might be something outside of AlienDalvik, right? Somewhere, there might be an interface to pass the information from the SFOS physical keyboard to other systems like AlienDalvik or Flatpak.
Edit: 2020-04-18
HID 1.0 (Human Interface Device Profile): Allows use of HIDs with Jolla, for example keyboards and mice. SailfishOS supports the American keypad layout only.
Today, the USB Foundation standard is: HID 1.12. So, there is a lot of work to get done, my friends!
bluez is open source, so we could do some really serious work. :-) I am just a user, who digs a bit underneath. I would need some serious people to help.
I am open for hints, where to follow the lead.
could this be of any help for you?:
rgrnetalk ( 2020-04-18 11:53:11 +0200 )editThis works for me within SFOS perfectly. I am switching to serbian this way, because there is no hardware keyboard mapping available in the settings menu. Still, it doesn't work for AlienDalvik.
ds1979 ( 2020-04-18 14:18:06 +0200 )edit