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Why did you put a radio chip that wouldn't work anywhere in the US in the phone? [answered]

asked 2014-02-01 22:28:01 +0200

TSCHAK gravatar image

updated 2014-07-22 09:50:08 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Seriously, WHY? YOU _KNEW_ some people were going to buy the damned thing over here. At least, why didn't you use a radio chip with similar specifications to the chip used in the Nokia N9? WHY?! I WANT AN ANSWER!

The only speed I get here is 2G, not even EDGE, no UMTS, no HDSPA, nothing. Are you going to correct the issue?


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Basically, i think it's up to a company what kind of product they create and what they want to sell. They provide specs, i guess you can read and understand them. So if you can't use it in your country, just don't buy it. But don't get aggressive in such a disgusting and barefaced way.

kauris ( 2014-02-01 22:38:13 +0200 )edit

@TSCHAK - Well, I basically asked myself that very same question, but reversed, and regarding the Palm Pre. When a European version finally was available, it was still not available in my country, and I had given up and got myself a Palm Centro instead (bought it from Ireland, and was not my first Palm).
A few years later, the Palm Pre 3 was to be released, and I considered going to the UK just to buy one. You probably know what happened then ... (it was released, and the day after HP announced that they were ditching it). I "settled" for the Nokia N9 instead (yes, I was late to that game).

Yes, I wished that Palm would make a multiband phone. No, I didn't buy it "anyways".

Also: Had this phone been made by (a much bigger company, say Nokia), it would probably have had the US bands built-in, but
had this phone been made by (a much bigger company, say, again, Nokia), it may not even have left the drawing board (see: Nokia N9).

Support is important, but it's also important to be a tad bit realistic. Few things get the 110% flying start we all wish they could have.

phle ( 2014-02-02 21:43:21 +0200 )edit

I can understand the frustration. N900 & N9 built a fanbase in the Americas, Jolla is a unacceptable downgrade in 3G frequency support. But let's hope it will be corrected with new HW versions of the phone soon. Jolla has said there will be hardware updates or a new phone in 2014, and I can't think of any new feature that would sell more phones than American 3G support.

hana ( 2014-02-14 12:39:12 +0200 )edit

UMTS band 5 (850) is also need for the largest telco (Telstra) in Australia, could have sold many more phones if this was included. Almost all Nokia phones had this band covered, very disappointing.

Evan ( 2014-05-23 04:45:02 +0200 )edit

Hm, I really love my Jolla, but I do understand TSCHAK's frustration (sanitized edition). I am technically interested, but I am no expert in mobile HW. I was NOT aware that my phone will only work with 2G when I visit the USA and I see this as a disadvantage. Jolla should display a big warning regarding this during the online purchase process. It may be clear for the pros, but it was not for me. Of course, the basic problem is not Jolla, but the usual mess that dominates this planet. When it comes to spying on and suppressing individuals globalization works great. When it comes to creating global standards that would advance us as a civilization it is total failure.

StaticNoiseLog ( 2014-06-14 19:17:58 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2014-02-02 20:49:26 +0200

stezz gravatar image

@TSCHAK this is a public place, please behave.

Now to answer your question: correcting the issue would mean changing components inside your phone, it's not a SW switch we can toggle. So we can't add the network bands needed by 3G in US on that phone.

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Hi, this discussion would make a good if not excellent case for a TOH with suitable radiochipset for Jolla owners living in the US / North-America or poeple visting there and wanting to use their Jolla over there. When desiging a TOH like taht throw in dual SIM as well ;)

JayBeRayBearGun ( 2014-02-02 22:58:17 +0200 )edit

No way in hell that can happen, I2C would be _way_ too inefficient for this. Go read a primer on it :)

TSCHAK ( 2014-02-02 23:30:43 +0200 )edit

Jolla should have gone the Apple way. Global 3G would have sold more phones than inmature 4G that didn't even work at launch and officially still doesn't. Remember the original iPhone, where they left inmature 3G out and concentrated on global 2G.

hana ( 2014-02-14 12:35:29 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-14 15:24:19 +0200

Penguin gravatar image

It's great that we have Jolla and by knowing little bit of a background and what has happened before we got these current Jolla phones available I can only say that its great that Jolla is going forward and developing their phone and OS further.

There however seems to be some narrow minded thinking very often when companies design phones and decides technological specifications of those phones. If you are making $15 phone for markets of developing countries and target to sell it for example in rural India, it is pretty acceptable that you optimize the hardware and software for that geographically isolated market area. If you however are making $500 phone targeting it to high end smartphone market, you should ensure it can be used globally. No only if you are going to sell it globally but because smartphone users tend to travel much more often than those $15 phone owners in rural India. They travel because they have money to do it, they need to do it and they can do it. Smartphone is not jst a phone anymore. It's actually often full -fledged office tool for its user and expected to be usefull where ever the user is. Modern smartphone must work in cellular networks globally.

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answered 2014-02-02 01:03:18 +0200

TSCHAK gravatar image

Sometimes, being euphemistic simply does not carry across the message intended to convey. I am genuinely angry at the complete lack of any sort of bone to people who are fed up with the terrible phones in the US, and wanted to support a company that is GENUINELY trying to do something different....

...but ok, if everyone is concerned about being offensive, without actually looking at the root cause of the offense, then more power to you, stick your head in the sand.


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If you would think about it bit more rationally, the 4G/LTE bands are very diverse and there is no chip which covers every band. Just calm down and wait until it can be installed on some android device with HW designed for US.

Acce ( 2014-02-02 21:11:58 +0200 )edit

Now you know how the rest of the world feel about products centered around north america. Jolla isn't sold in the US so asking for hardware support in that market doesn't make sence, but it would be good if it did work.

optimistjolle ( 2014-02-02 21:18:01 +0200 )edit

I will have to return or sell my unit, then. This is depressing. Does the N9 build fully work in terms of hardware support? I do have one of those, as well as an N950 (which, I wonder, is Nokia ever going to ask for that thing back? they haven't, yet.)

TSCHAK ( 2014-02-02 21:24:25 +0200 )edit

Nokia N9 supports all US 3G frequencies.

hana ( 2014-02-14 12:31:10 +0200 )edit


Sell the Jolla, from the money buy a Android device which supports LTE in your market. And meanwhile enjoy the time in between with your N9 and N950, you lucky bastard ;)

Also, accepts this answers and close this question, let's clean it up here.

BonoNL ( 2014-06-05 23:32:49 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-16 01:11:54 +0200

Direc gravatar image

I get your frustration, so here's a thought: how about you get some other (Android) device that's capable of running Sailfish and use that instead? AFAIK and a bit IMHO, too, Jolla phone isn't supposed to be #1 mobile device in the world, but more like a demo or even proof-of-concept device - so it'll never be perfect in everything. Sailfish is real, Jolla phone showed them all. Well, to me it's perfect enough!

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Asked: 2014-02-01 22:28:01 +0200

Seen: 1,728 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '14