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Contact deleted in Sailfish side doesn't get deleted in Android side

asked 2020-06-03 20:47:08 +0200

nthn gravatar image

updated 2020-06-03 22:16:25 +0200

First, I installed aliendalvik. Then, I deleted three contacts via Sailfish Contacts. Strangely, these contacts remain visible to Android applications. I've tried installing an Android Contacts application and deleted the contacts there, but they reappear instantly. I've tried rebooting, I've tried waiting for a (long) while in case some process needed to catch up, but nothing works, the contacts always reappear. I presume this is a bug, where the Sailfish and Android contacts databases for some reason only synchronise new contacts, but not deleted contacts.

This is the case on both a Jolla 1 and Jolla Tablet, on the latest versions of Sailfish with the latest versions of aliendalvik.

See the answer by @nas below for a workaround.

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1 Answer

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answered 2020-06-03 21:48:34 +0200

nas gravatar image

updated 2020-06-03 21:49:06 +0200

If I remember right, somehow the sailfish OS part reads the contact book from this directory:


and android apps read the contact book of this directory:


(In these directories there are .sqlite databases). So if you are capable to investigate any further it could be a nice idea to check the second directory's database, and see if your contacts are in there. Also I have no idea how or if these databases synchronize each other.

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Thanks for the pointers. I ended up deleting all files in both directories, afterwards I rebooted, and then added my contacts again. It works now! I'll leave my question open as a bug report, though.

nthn ( 2020-06-03 22:13:49 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2020-06-03 20:47:08 +0200

Seen: 334 times

Last updated: Jun 05 '20