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App request: Client for Telegram

asked 2014-02-04 00:17:25 +0300

Malkavian gravatar image

updated 2018-12-18 12:18:17 +0300

JSEHV gravatar image

Telegram is a libre software client (with closed distributed servers) for Instant Messaging. It focus on privacy an encryption, it's and it will be free of charge, and uses an open protocol. It tries to look similar to Whatsapp to make easier a transition and uses mobile-numbers for contact manangement.

There are official clients for Android and IOs, and unofficial ones for GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows, Windows Phone, and web.


Edit: 11.07.2017 (h.berd);

There are two (workaround)options now:

Depecher from Openrepos works: https://openrepos.net/content/blacksailer/depecher

Edit: 18.12.2018 (jse);

A new Telegram Client app is in the works, called Telegra Me. It is actively developed and looking very promising. You can check the source at: http://gitlab.unique-conception.org/sailfish-app/telegra-me

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I would like a native Telegram app for Sailfish OS as well. I know security might not be as good as they advertise, but in my opinion it's better then giving al your personal info to Facebook, since they own WhatsApp as wel.

Jozz ( 2014-02-21 00:36:58 +0300 )edit

A Threema port would be nice also. At the moment in Germany it looks like Threema is more popular (in the press) as Telegram. And I don't trust an russian company more as an us company. Threema is lokated in the swizerland. That sounds a little bit better.

skull77 ( 2014-02-22 15:50:48 +0300 )edit

But Telegram is Opensource and well documented. On Threema you only have trust.

Sailor ( 2014-02-22 22:43:10 +0300 )edit

But were is the different? Telegram is opensource, but the servers are in russia. Russia is not known for its trustworthiness. So perhaps the source of Telegram is trustworth, but what is with the company who ownes it? It's a Facebook clone. Threema is closedsource, but its servers are in the swizerland and its a small company which i trust (for the moment).

skull77 ( 2014-02-22 23:02:23 +0300 )edit

22 Answers

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answered 2018-12-20 00:01:22 +0300

meolic gravatar image

for me, web online app from Telegram is working very well. Maybe, native app is not needed as long as Telegram have such a good service and Sailfish offers a good enough browser. By the way, Wire web app (alternative to Skype) can not be used from Sailfish browser, can anybody check that?

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depecher works well https://openrepos.net/content/blacksailer/depecher

marxistvegan ( 2018-12-20 06:24:15 +0300 )edit

answered 2015-02-25 06:18:02 +0300

ClumsyRooster gravatar image

updated 2015-02-25 20:21:08 +0300

and why not looking to peerio ?

https://peerio.com/ , it's open source : https://github.com/PeerioTechnologies/ , and they seems to believe that privacy is important...

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Is there any support for PWAs in near future?

wmcig ( 2019-05-01 23:46:44 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2014-02-04 00:17:25 +0300

Seen: 20,318 times

Last updated: Dec 20 '18