UI is not responsive at low battery level <10% [released]
UI is stalling when battery level goes low. UI can be few seconds not responsive. After stalls it is working properly.
Version (Laadunjärvi), and
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UI is stalling when battery level goes low. UI can be few seconds not responsive. After stalls it is working properly.
Version (Laadunjärvi), and
(Sorry, this is not answer but the text is loo long for a comment.)
When the battery is very low (approx. < 10%), the device can become extremely unresponsive from time to time. It seems that something is happening periodically that consumes so much CPU power that there's nothing else left for the rest of the system.
Symptoms: the whole UI freezes for 10-15 seconds, including the home screen, all system gestures and the app in the foreground.
Some observations:
in the terminal, it tells me that a process called upowerd
comes up periodically and takes >90% of the CPU.I've come across this as well. Approximately one per minute or so (at least when this ladt happened to me) the UI froze completely for 5-10sec, then I'd get the low battery beep and after that everything went back to normal for about 45sec or so until it happened again.
typo ( 2014-01-20 22:22:16 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-26 12:36:26 +0200
Seen: 693 times
Last updated: Feb 04 '14
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I noticed this behavior too
Chiku ( 2013-12-26 14:37:37 +0200 )editThis problem seems to exists still on Phone seems to get stuck couple of seconds before getting low battery warning and after warning is gone phone is again usable until it will note about low battery again.
junnuvi ( 2013-12-31 06:43:31 +0200 )editYes agreed, furthermore, the level drops from 10% to switch off in about 10min with 3g and idle. The scale shall be updated as the user thinks in battery live time and not in voltage %. At least this is a guess.
damourti ( 2014-01-10 01:43:03 +0200 )editI have experienced this problem as well, from the moment the battery goes below 10 % the UI is completely unresponsive for a good 10 seconds, then it works again for about a minute and then it freezes again, etc.
nthn ( 2014-02-07 22:10:32 +0200 )edit