2018-07-30 06:13:39 +0200
Can you update a tutorial for 2018?, seems that some files are missing and I don't know if has to be Harmattan Flasher.
I found a flasher for Linux, no matter what distro you have. SP Mediatek Flasher
and It is available for Windows too (the flasher).
I don't use Debian distribution sorry, I am Centos user and converting debs, liking libs . . . I don't want to do that.
Even Sailfish use RPMs, don't you find that silly? haha. If you can do a new tutorial for Flashing Nokia N9 with that flasher, that would be great! I recently ordered that phone from China to try Sailfish, and I want it so hard.
The flasher tool is the only thing it prevents me from installing it, and I would like to have a tutorial before the phone arrives. I mean, I don't flash phones every day ; however, I kind of use terminal and that stuff, so maybe a little guide with all the files where we can donwload would be awesome!
Tag me if you decide to update the tutorial wink wink
Cheers people of the other side of the screen
Here is a link to related discussion here in Together on the possibilities and prospects of future ports of SailfishOS to non-Jolla hardware:
foss4ever ( 2014-02-11 18:39:05 +0200 )editIs this the Jolla/N9 forum now? :D
Spam Hunter ( 2014-02-18 02:56:02 +0200 )editNot really, just a topic that intersts many Jolla (and N9) users; how to run.SailfishOS in different hardware, including Nokia N9xx devices..
foss4ever ( 2014-02-18 06:38:49 +0200 )edit@jjaone - I was kidding of course. Although, I still don't think that this topic belongs here, just saying! :)
Spam Hunter ( 2014-02-27 23:44:59 +0200 )edit