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Enhancements of the email client

asked 2013-12-24 17:54:00 +0200

PhixGre gravatar image

updated 2013-12-25 01:00:23 +0200

VDVsx gravatar image

It would be nice if the email client provides these features:

  • multiple identities for an account
  • a "show/hide" option for each folder or label of an IMAP account
  • the number of unread/new emails in each folder (with an action "update all folders")


  • an "identity" is composed at least by a name, an email address and a signature. Using an account, I would choose to answer with my professional or personnal identity. (Same feature present in Thunderbird)
  • a "show/hide" option for each folder is a way to view and synchronize only some selected folders.
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And it would be really nice if it would actually send email to my providers SMTP server :-) Currently I can't get that to work. Gmail works fine though.

Winfried ( 2013-12-24 18:01:49 +0200 )edit

Same issue here with DNA's SMTP-server.

Milo ( 2013-12-24 18:08:52 +0200 )edit

Can you clarify what you mean for first and second suggestions ? Third one is there, excepted the option to update all folders.

VDVsx ( 2013-12-24 18:25:49 +0200 )edit
  • IMAP idle for me is a must
  • Schedule per account.
  • integration with file browser, so all file types can be attached
  • subscribing only to some folders
zlatko ( 2013-12-24 19:08:12 +0200 )edit
  • When you reply to a mail no In-Reply-To header is added which breaks threading in mail clients that support that.
  • When replying to a mail the client always uses From instead of Reply-To.
  • Select folders to sync and notify about.
  • Sort IMAP folder list hierarchically.

Original message

Tanghus ( 2013-12-24 19:24:41 +0200 )edit

14 Answers

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answered 2015-10-07 18:18:29 +0200

luchmhor gravatar image

I would like to see some impovements based on dekko (from Ubuntu Phone). Left swipe to delete, right swipe with options to star or mark as read. Also the folder syncronisation is better implemented in dekko in general.

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Folder management in Jolla Email client is absolutely dreadful. Even elementary things like expecting that emails would disappear from the folder after they are deleted on another client do not work. After renaming a folder, an operation that even the most basic clients can do, the only way I could get Jolla Email to display the new folder tree was to delete and recreate the account.

So saying that someone else does folders better is a tautology. It is near impossible to get it worse.

On the other hand, that swiping you suggest sounds awful.

pichlo ( 2015-10-07 18:39:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-03-11 11:41:55 +0200

marsch gravatar image

It's hard to believe that there's still no way to attach any file to an email except those enumerated by tracker.

This does only make limited sense and is kind of annoying. Can you please add a file selection dialog?

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This, the fact that you cannot choose the destination of downloaded files, you cannot play music by the folder and a few other things just demonstrate that Jolla has been conceived right from the start as a toy with a narrow, limited use (in other words, an iPhone wannabe) rather than a general purpose device like e.g. N900.

It is a shame since Jolla has no chance competing with the iPhone anyway. The target audience of Sailfish is not the same as that of iOS.

pichlo ( 2016-03-11 13:07:25 +0200 )edit

If you tag your music files correctly, which you should, I really don't get what playing by folder could possibly add to the experience.

nthn ( 2016-03-11 22:29:49 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-10-04 22:26:17 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2015-10-04 22:26:17 +0200

pichlo gravatar image

Show the email size in the preview. Or at least (if not better) the attachment(s) size in the email view. Useful to decide if I want to download it when on a paid network connection.

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answered 2016-03-11 20:07:25 +0200

palikao gravatar image

@Philippe I would add this: when I tap the name of the email in notifications' screen, it opens the app and not the email's inbox, as it should do..

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Asked: 2013-12-24 17:54:00 +0200

Seen: 4,061 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '16