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Transfer files (USB WLAN BT) to your Jolla and put the files into the music folder in your home directory. You may also put files in any not DOT folder on a microsd card. As this will show them in the Mediaplayer as well I put my ringtones directly into
that is where Jolla's preloaded ringtones are.
answered 2014-03-10 20:24:58 +0200
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Asked: 2014-03-10 12:04:39 +0200
Seen: 854 times
Last updated: Mar 10 '14
Suggestion: Separate folder/browse for ringtones
[Bug] Phone ringing without incoming call shown, twice. [released]
Mute ringing phone by turning it face down [duplicate]
No ringtone in whatsapp [answered]
Bug: unable to change ringtone "on top" of ambience [duplicate]