2014-03-20 19:46:22 +0200
3106 ●83 ●115 ●122
@Alex - is your home wlan ssid hidden?
I had the same issue with my hidden wlan immediately after the update. In my case both wlan and mobile data stopped working suddenly and the on/off quick switches of settings app became very sluggish. Eventually the settings app just crashed.
The worst thing was and probably still is that re-launching the settings app was not possible possible after that first crash as it kept crashing immediately during the each restart. From attempt to use pulley menu to access the settings up had huge delay leaving the clock and other lock screen indicators visible.
When attempting to turn off the Jolla with crashed settings app, the shutdown caused the red led to illuminate for several minutes. Typically I just removed the battery to restart again.
Once I shutdown the Jolla and was waiting red led to disappear, the programmed alarm was activated and when I terminated the alarm the phone turned immediately off => clearly this additional user action did something to allow the phone finally to shutdown.
During the first "crash" I also lost the saved Wlan, I had had setup since December 14th. Despite many attempts to recreate on following few days,the Wlan connection was not possible and re-attempts finally lead to the crashing of the settings app.
All the time my mobile data APN settings have been intact. When I immediately after reboot turned off the Wlan, the usage of the mobile data data has been also possible. Attempts to use Wlan concurrently with mobile data or alone started the problems as described above. Most likely the worst was the searching of the hidden Wlan repeatedly
The current workaround in my case was to change the wlan ssid visible and then I haven't experienced more problems as described above. The Wlan connection is now re-stored and switching between Wlan and Mobile data works nicely, I haven't dared to test with hidden ssid again.
I would be happy to be able to connect to my University's eduroam network... :D But I also get frequent reboots caused by my home WLAN...
Alex ( 2014-03-20 18:54:08 +0200 )edit@Alex you should check this thread for eduroam.
qrosh ( 2014-03-20 19:02:17 +0200 )editI am aware of this thread but it is not working for me.
Alex ( 2014-03-20 19:32:14 +0200 )edit@Kari Thanks for your answer but no my WLAN is not hidden. :)
Alex ( 2014-03-20 20:04:25 +0200 )edit