google payed apps install fails - any Idea why?
Hi, new to this site and Jolla, but enjoying it.
I searched a while but I don't seem to see anything explaining a solution to my problem.
I used this howto: install google play - to get google play up and runnig and it works all right, except for any app I had to pay for if I try to install one of them the play store crashes without any message. Is this a known problem? Where do I look for information on that crash on my Jolla? Any logs? There are a few apps I would like to get working on my Jolla even though I am hoping for more native apps in the future.
thanks, D.
Removed the "bug" tag cause Google Play is not supported in Jolla, thus apps that requure it will fail because of that (and not because the device not working as expected).
foss4ever ( 2015-01-06 18:03:09 +0200 )edit