[bug] Roaming: Data connection does not work
asked 2014-04-29 00:29:01 +0200
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I am in Italy and cannot get any data connection on any of the 4 providers providing a signal. The same SIM works without problems in the surf stick connected to the computer right now (which is not the intended use for this SIM).
The problem is a wrong APN setting, see https://together.jolla.com/question/4664/roaming-data-connection-does-not-work/ (reported in December and several major updates later still not corrected). This is not a minor problem: When being abroad, the smartphone with mobile data may be the only way available for internet connection -- so when realising the problem, there is no chance to search the internet to find a (the) solution.
I was experiencing somewhat the same - AT&T SIM with Elisa in Finland was not yielding any data, although once I switched to "stick to 2G" mode I could get data to work in roaming, still no luck in "prefer 3G" mode though
TopStreamsNet ( 2014-04-29 09:53:32 +0200 )edit@TopStreamsNet: A wrong APN setting should not allow any mobile data connection, no matter what mobile protocol/speed. In my case it is a wrong APN, as I could verify meanwhile.
jgr ( 2014-05-02 00:20:13 +0200 )edit@jgr: I didn't say I had an APN issue, subject says "roaming: data connection does not work" - I experienced the same - data connection didn't work for me in roaming, but I was able to solve it by switching to 2G
TopStreamsNet ( 2014-05-02 06:56:02 +0200 )edit@TopStreamsNet Your post didn't mention details so mentioning this just in case: if you had a north american device then it operates on different 3G WCDMA bands, only common bands with european service providers are on 2G.
tkenakka ( 2014-05-09 22:52:36 +0200 )edit