Fingerterminal shows wrong ipaddress [released]
Fingerterminal shows wrong ipaddress after wlan change. I usually check my ipaddess with /sbin/ifconfig to know where to login. Suprisingly I can login like seen but ifconfig shows a old ipaddess.
Fingerterminal shows wrong ipaddress after wlan change. I usually check my ipaddess with /sbin/ifconfig to know where to login. Suprisingly I can login like seen but ifconfig shows a old ipaddess.
You could check, whether that was just a hostname for you ssh-client ie. what is the real IP-address, with which you took connection. Or is it the USB-address of Jolla?
Asked: 2014-05-14 09:07:16 +0200
Seen: 310 times
Last updated: May 15 '14
First of all, Fingerterm has nothing to do with this, it just happens to be the default terminal software installed.
Second, ifconfig is deprecated at least in some distros. Try
Nicd ( 2014-05-14 11:31:17 +0200 )editip addr
and see if it reports the same thing.instead of /sbin/ifconfig you can try
pmelas ( 2014-05-14 11:32:17 +0200 )editip addr
command, although I am sure it will display the same info.