Feature request: Make the usage of numeric keypad/call history list as configurable option in settings for phone app
Currently the phone app shows the call history by default. Please create settings option which would allow to user to choose which mode would be shown by default i.e. numeric keypad or call history
I know this sounds un-sailfish-like, but I'd like there to be buttons/icons for number pad and contact list in the bottom below the recents list. I find it a bit awkward to use the pulley menu here, as buttons would be quicker and there would still be enough room for the recents list.
ssahla ( 2014-05-28 00:09:00 +0200 )editI love the Symbian Belle dialer: keypad in the lower half of the screen where you can either dial a number or a contact name (the list of compatible contact names appears in the upper half); at the bottom of the screen there are buttons for call log and directory. This is the fastest dialer I know about.
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2014-10-24 12:47:26 +0200 )edit