Jolla Ltd. <----> Community is there an issues?
Hope TJC is there right place to start this discussion.
So is now more then a year since Jolla Ltd. shows their first device to us the „world greatest mobile community“ and is nearly 6 months since we have this device.
They stated during the time that they are opensource, there are community related, unlike, there young and a startup with enthusiast how likes to crate the next big thing.
Now since we (the community) follow the project around SailfishOS and Jolla thinks happen which open question.
Are they opensource? Or do they use opensource?
Jolla tells us from beginning that they wonted opensource their Jolla UI but they will opensource the Silica Components.
But now (May 2014) there is only the SailfishOS Browser on github. (
I can understand that Jollas value to the market is there OS if the opensource this, which means everyone, can take and uses it they can’t make profit. But this now opens up again the question are the opensource or is it a marketing word?
Why Jolla only promote articles on there Twitter account which are showing Jolla in a perfect view like this week in the Norwegian Airshuttle onboard Magazine ( but not an article like the one from last week in the Telegraph? (
The article publish in the telegraph pointed out a few good questions like the amount of sold devices Marc Dillion told he can’t answer dune to “Investor relations forbid him from answering”
This answer open again questions how are this investor?
You can’t find how are these? Is Jolla Ltd. more interested to make them happy instant making the community happy?
Is Jolla not interested to get this question ask?
Jolla Ltd. is not really good in forwarding information.
In December as they send out our devices they did not inform us that they mass up with the shipping. They Community found a way to measure the shipping process it one way with Google Docs.
Jolla did not tell that they would delay the Update 7 in time. Stefano Mosconi (Co-founder and CIO) posted on Twitter that the Update 7 wonted rollout in May as expected. ( Jolla need a week (7 Days) to post that Update 7 and 8 / Update May and June will be merge and rollout in early June.
One positive fact here during the Update 4 Jolla told the community to check if they use to disable the repos from there to prevent a death device! But why they did not prevent it a silent way? Since this time you can update your Jolla without deactivating
Jolla Other Half
As Early Bird you had the chance to get 3 later 2 different version of preordering. One of this version has Shirt / Voucher and Limited Other Half. The Limited Other Half is a red Plastic cover that says The First One. Noting else special.
BUT Jolla slaps the community in spring as they announced that the poppy red Other Half would be soon available to all costumers. That means all can have the “Limited Other Half” but with out “The First One” on it and with a different wallpaper.
There is no reflash tool for the Jolla Phone. If you mass up your Jolla you have to send it to Jolla Care. This missing piece wanted by the community since they got the device!
Jolla told since they got public that China is there many market a year later there is still just an office in HK. They don’t sale any Product to China!
Jolla Store
Developers are dissatisfied with the Jolla Harbour aka Jolla Store.
One fact is that just a few libs are aloud and so a lot of apps are not able to pass Q&A. So the community created an alterative way to get Apps via another way to the device and users like the early mentioned
Jolla don’t offer a proper way for Developers to let them know who are the users of there apps as far as I know some developers use now in there apps a “call home function”
Jolla did not support paid apps so some Developers didn’t see any reason to create apps for SailfishOS if the can’t make money with there apps. Jolla will support from Q3/2014 paid apps says rumor
Omnipresent Marc Dillion
Is Marc Dillion == Jolla?
Marc is all over his omnipresent some times it looks like that he is the only one from Jolla know best from the hole startup are the rest of the Crew shy?? So times it feels that he is Jolla. May be its dune to his founder role and his vision with his baby Jolla.
#9 Antti Saarnio (Chairman & Finance) and his trust in SailfishOS
Why did Antti Saarnio nearly always post on Twitter with a non-SailfishOS device?
Is he not trusting into SailfishOS or is there another reason that he isn’t using Jolla device for this? (e.g.
Don’t get me wrong I’m a Jolla fanboy since the first second I preordered at the same day Jolla showed up the Prototype I have no impressed to harm or damage Jolla Ltd. These are just a few questions I have since a few weeks.
Its hard to tell guys out there about a Product / device and they ask you things you can’t answer correct or you have to lie.
May we can start a discussion here on TJC about questions, which bothers the community. Place don’t flame or hate because keep in mind if Jolla fails there will be NO alternative for us as community.
This is a blog post. Some questions and criticisms are valid but have already been asked and discussed several times. TJC is not the place for this kind of post.
Edit: I would like to add that I think it's better if you split this post up into separate questions. Some have already been discussed so you can vote and discuss in the relevant topics, and create new ones for what hasn't been discussed properly yet. A big post like this works as a blog post but it's difficult discussing multiple issues at the same time in the same place.
nthn ( 2014-05-29 12:36:31 +0200 )Yes, those questions have been asked before and they have been discussed by the community. But they don't have been answered!
And what's more import (to me at least) they don't have been answered by Jolla. Why should TJC not be the right place for this kind of post? Where else should users go and get their answers? To IRC or dev mailing list? Well, those questions won't be answered there , too. ( 2014-05-29 15:40:45 +0200 ) mailinglist is not the place to discuss questions like this as I got it in the last mer-meeting. So TJC is the only one left.
@nthn I can do this but the question is is there an intresst in a conversation about this question. As you mention there is no need to talk about it. I cut it in numbers to make it easyer to anserer this questions
Nokius ( 2014-05-29 17:31:30 +0200 )See the edit to my comment. If you want an answer, you should keep pushing on the topics that have already been made, rather than creating combinations of the issues you feel are most important. Everyone has their own ideas of what's most important, so if everyone started making posts like these there would be no point in TJC anymore, you would just achieve the same result as doing a search for blog posts tagged with 'jolla'.
Edit: that was
nthn ( 2014-05-29 17:34:27 +0200 )@nthn I have on interest in make me important this post up there are question with bothers me and I guess also other in the community just have a look over to Twitter.
Nokius ( 2014-05-29 18:13:43 +0200 )