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How to update google play services

asked 2014-06-06 00:59:41 +0200

Magog gravatar image

updated 2014-07-24 11:26:33 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Google plus needs updated version of google play services. How to do this?

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-10-14 11:56:50 +0200

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updated 2014-10-14 12:03:04 +0200

Larswad gravatar image

The other answer in here, to first uninstall google+ and then reinstall it didn't help for me. I still got that annoying warning that google services couldn't install. And if I click it I am taken to the google play site in the native browser (where the install icon reads INSTALLED, therefore cannot install it again). Also, running google+ it complains that it needs to update the google services, with the option to do it, but still the same, the native browser opens google play site.

Anyhow, it still seems there are two working ways to trigger the update (at least, this worked for me):

Method 1: Go to the google play site with your PC (note, you must be logged in with your browser with your google account), where it DOES read "INSTALLED" as well, but there I could select my Jolla device in the pulldown menu and then choose install. Having the google play app open in your Jolla phone, a new way of installing is triggered, after a while.

Method 2: If the above method doesn't work, you need to DOWNLOAD the latest google services on your PC, and then transfer that apk to your Jolla and install it from there. You can use the apk downloader in the chrome web-store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/apk-downloader/cgihflhdpokeobcfimliamffejfnmfii Install that one, and then go to google play site on your PC with chrome where you now can click "Download", note that the APK downloader will need access to your google account (if this scares you, you can log in with a app-specific password, not giving it access to everything). You need to have the Device-ID app on your jolla in order to enter the jolla device id. Enter your google mail address, your one-time app password and the Jolla Device ID. Now the APK downloader can log in as if it were your own Jolla phone1 After having downloaded the google services app to your PC, transfer it to your jolla and run the APK from a filemanager like Cargo Dock or Filetug.

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G+ didn't work again, what i did few minutes ago: Click Update now (Google play services) prompt in G+; Jolla browser opened the google play site; click on INSTALLED button; after a minute or so INSTALL button appears (i guess after deinstallation); clicked on it, google play said services will be installed on my device - really so in about another minute. G+ works now.

SergeiStPete ( 2014-10-14 20:41:02 +0200 )edit

@SergeiStPete: I'm glad that worked as well, for me though, that INSTALLED button wasn't really clickable, or at least it didn't react in a visual way. So what do you mean with "after deinstallation", did you do some deinstallation of g+ as well after clicking that INSTALLED button?

A lot of things become problematic related to that Android app's open their links in the Jolla native browser. That way the "android context" is lost, if you understand what I mean. When the native browser is opened the Alien Dalvik Android context goes over to Jolla native. After that, any clicking in native browser webpages has no connection anymore to whatever was going on in the Alien Dalvik world.

A genuine Jolla problem!

Larswad ( 2014-10-15 10:13:03 +0200 )edit

@Larswad, sorry, i can't reproduce that and not sure about all the sequence. Yes, while Google Play services page is opened in Jolla browser from the link it's too far from the "normal" page, just some broken elements of it. Let say i clicked on something in this mess, INSTALLED button disappeared and INSTALL one appeared in a while. By click on it the services were installed on my phone. Above is more correct description from my memory, at the same time not very useful...

SergeiStPete ( 2014-10-15 13:47:31 +0200 )edit

Thanks! I had an app that stopped working after an update some days ago and it refered to old Google Play-Services. I found the APK-Downloader method above and now I got that app working again!

Just one thing..

I had to search for Google Services in Google with Google Chrome to see the service app.

If I entered play.google.com in the browser I could not see that app, guess thats because I don't own an Android unit. I found out that all apps are not shown for Jolla users...

JS ( 2015-07-13 18:30:27 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-10 02:18:08 +0200

SergeiStPete gravatar image

What i did - updated Google Play (in settings click on build version in bottom of the list); uninstalled Google+ and installed again. Just in case, that was on after todays update, but dont think thats important. Anyway, Google plus works now.

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how did you do it? i have google play with 4.8.20 version and it say to me "there is no updates". reinstalling of.google plus didn't help

Magog ( 2014-06-10 08:19:50 +0200 )edit

@Magog, sorry, but i have no idea what is behind. I had one of previous versions of Google Play, thus it was an update in my case. Perhaps latest play services were installed with it, but that's only my guess.

SergeiStPete ( 2014-06-10 16:51:11 +0200 )edit

What version of google play did you installed?

Magog ( 2014-06-10 16:54:06 +0200 )edit

4.8.20 now, don't remember which was before

SergeiStPete ( 2014-06-10 16:56:38 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-06-06 00:59:41 +0200

Seen: 3,633 times

Last updated: Oct 14 '14