[Bug] SilicaListView with TopToBottom breaks pulley menus [answered]
When SilicaListView has TopToBottom vertical layout direction, neither PullDownMenu nor PushUpMenu works when the content height is less than the height of the list view. The pulley menus are not accessible at all, and one of the menu highlights appears somewhere in the middle of the screen.
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
initialPage: Page {
SilicaListView {
anchors.fill: parent
verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop
model: 5 // <== make it 50 and the pulley menus appear correctly
delegate: ListItem {
Label {
text: modelData
anchors.centerIn: parent
PullDownMenu {
MenuItem { text: "PullDown 1" }
MenuItem { text: "PullDown 2" }
PushUpMenu {
MenuItem { text: "PushUp 1" }
MenuItem { text: "PushUp 2" }
You are talking about TopToBottom in the text, but in the code you are using BottomToTop. Please correct it, if this is a mistake.
michfu ( 2018-01-09 11:02:34 +0200 )edit