Works fine on N5, CM11 4.4.4 slow on i9000 cm11 4.4.4 [not a question]
Just missing left right swipe
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
Just missing left right swipe
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Asked: 2014-07-05 23:02:53 +0200
Seen: 370 times
Last updated: Jul 05 '14
Isn't it good to have this board for Jolla and SailfishOS related interactions? [not a question]
Too many problems... [not a question]
Max speaker volume too low [not a question]
Jolla Launcher Alpha Release [not a question]
Jolla Launcher toolkit [answered]
Double notifications Jolla Launcher [released]
[Jolla Launcher] Voice down to zero marking when changing ambiance [released]
[Jolla-Launcher] Not all apps show "minimized view"
[Jolla Launcher] Android action buttons don't dissapear [answered]