Sailfish unstable after update to
asked 2014-07-21 02:18:21 +0200

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Hi, After updating to the latest release of sailfish my jolla started to behave strangely- restarts with no reason, shuts down in middle of conversation or when starting a browser, also I can't reach notifications because swiping from the bottom doesn't work Has anybody had issues with jolla like me? If you have a solution for my problems pls help... Regards. Jozo
update: I downgraded sailfish os and it seems to work fine for now. regards
update 2014-07-25: I gave a 2nd chance to sailfish, first removed harbour-warehouse and apps installed that way, then downloaded update and installed one, so far so good and I will update on progress and possible problems. regards. Jozo
You should try to make update again.. In terminal:
If i remember correct. Then it should update it again.. I think is the best! I have none problems :O, Now Jolla should tune that smoothness from home screen ;). I dont like to use boost all the time...
Makeclick ( 2014-07-21 07:20:05 +0200 )editIf nothing else helps, the last resort: take a backup in settings app, copy the backup to memory card (from pulley menu in backup), reset to the factory settings (settings app), restore the backup from memory card, reboot.
penpen ( 2014-07-21 08:57:56 +0200 )editI've done a factory reset, the paper trick, the battery trick and nothing helps.
Wizah ( 2014-07-21 16:14:15 +0200 )editIt might then be a hardware problem. You should contact Jolla Care at
penpen ( 2014-07-21 18:00:30 +0200 )edit@penpen: If the problem did not occur previously (or not to the current extent), it is not a hardware problem.
@jleko: I downgraded to 1.0.7 and hope for 1.0.9 (due in September) -- for me, 1.0.8 failed.
jgr ( 2014-07-22 01:14:52 +0200 )edit