How to avoid adding all images from sdcard to gallery ? [answered]
after downloading thousands of navigational map tiles to my sdcard my gallery is unusable because all map data is shown in the gallery :(
How can I prevent this ?
Ciao Matze
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
after downloading thousands of navigational map tiles to my sdcard my gallery is unusable because all map data is shown in the gallery :(
How can I prevent this ?
Ciao Matze
By separating your contents
There are several other ideas how to achieve this
for me, btrfs sub-volumes and proper mounting with taking into account what is mounted when (systemd) is the only valid option as it is like fire-and-forget, only thing is you might need to apply it again after a software upgrade but that is the same for modified tracker entries iirc - what also comes to mind is that I never ever have to set folders in android apps by hand, not even after a factory-reset
Tracker is backgroud process that index content of both internal and sdcard storage. You need to control that process to prevent some location to show up in Gallery/Media Player.
Check instructions for that from thread:
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Asked: 2014-07-28 20:57:37 +0200
Seen: 667 times
Last updated: Jul 29 '14
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