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Bug: pull left / peek next page does not work properly in landscape

asked 2014-10-11 18:40:17 +0200

axaq gravatar image

updated 2015-02-10 09:04:52 +0200

eric gravatar image

Note by @ssahla: This seems to be a general problem in landscape mode, not only Messages. Edited the title to be more general. See my answer below for speculation on what is causing the bug.

To recheck that I have opened the right chat in Messages app I pull left to peek into the contact page when writing a message.

In landscape you can't realy peek, because when in editing mode (second page with keyboard visible) after around 2cm of pulling the movement is blocked. And the keyboard doesn't move out and therefore overlaps most of the area. But you can switch the page by releasing the finger and the contact page will be fully shown.

If you are in landscape and in read only mode of a single chat (second page without the keyboard) the swipe stopps after around 4cm. Only half of the contact page width is visible.

In portrait mode you are able to pull left and peek 80% or more of the contact page width. But if you open a chat from main (first) page, start editing and than try to swipe left and peek the contact page is show shifted up and only the bottom 50% off the hight of the avatar image is visible.

When switched to the third page the contact is show correct with full avatar image visible. And after switching back to the chat page than also in editing mode the avatar image is fully visible when trying again to pull left / peek into the contact page.

Update: corrected word "swipe" to "pull" for the used gesture.

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Isn't the name of the contact you are writing to displayed on the line where the message text should be written? It says "Hi (contact name)", at least that is so on my phone and I am not aware that this is something that can be enabled or disabled.

Neo ( 2014-10-11 23:27:58 +0200 )edit

@Neo, you are right, but once you have typed something you can't see the name anymore. And anyway, the peeking function seems to be a bit broken here and should be fixed.

ssahla ( 2014-10-12 00:22:26 +0200 )edit

Right, voting up.

Neo ( 2014-10-12 00:47:59 +0200 )edit

Noticed something: This is not a Messages-specific thing. I think in all apps, when you're in landscape mode, you can only partly peek to the next page; more specifically, you can only peek 540 pixels, which is the width of the screen in portrait mode.

See the screenshot from Email. I'm in one of my Inboxes and peeking to folders list, and this is the maximum I'm allowed to peek – it stops there. In this case it doesn't cause any problem, but the fact that I can only peek the width of a portrait screen makes it look like a bug. At least I don't see a reason why it should be this way.

image description

ssahla ( 2014-10-12 13:55:53 +0200 )edit

@Neo: Yes I know, there is a hint "Hi (contact name)" before you start typing. But the font size is quite small for me and brightness is low and I don't always wear my reading glasses and as @ssahla said, after start of typing the text is gone.

And it happend to me more than one time that I send a message to the wrong person. Maybe I should concentrate more when starting to create the message ...

So before sending I like to recheck the receiver. And peeking is a nice thing here.

axaq ( 2014-10-12 15:36:49 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-13 12:09:23 +0200

ssahla gravatar image

It seems this is not a Messages-specific thing. I think in all apps, when you're in landscape mode, you can only partly peek to the next page; more specifically, you can only peek 540 pixels, which is the width of the screen in portrait mode.

See the screenshot from Email. I'm in one of my Inboxes and peeking to folders list, and this is the maximum I'm allowed to peek – it stops there. In this case it doesn't cause any problem, but the fact that I can only peek the width of a portrait screen makes it look like a bug. At least I don't see a reason why it should be this way.

image description

In landscape with keyboard visible (screenshot below), you can peek exactly 200 pixels, which is the height of the content area (screen area minus keyboard). I think this "maximum peek distance" should be the width of the area, but the system mixes portrait and landscape and uses height instead.

image description

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Asked: 2014-10-11 18:40:17 +0200

Seen: 278 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '14