How to assign a custom ambience for an NFC-theotherhalf?
One advertised feature of TOHs was that you could use one half during the work and other one during free time.
Well, I have two different TOHs, but both of them have their own fixed ambiances (while custom ambiances provide a lot of customization options, the current TOH-ambiances allow only custom volume level) and there's no UI to change that.
How could I assign a custom ambiance for an NFC-TOH so that I could use ambaiances with TOHs as advertised? :) Currently, switching TOHs cause more harm than help, because you will lose your current custom ambiance in favor of the fixed TOH one.
(Yes, I know that currently TOHs make even less sense, because of the battery drain issue, but I'm optimistic that it will be fixed soon.)
I harmonized the topic and tags to use ambience instead of ambiance.
pnuu ( 2013-12-29 23:01:58 +0200 )editThanks for fixing that :)
datakurre ( 2013-12-30 06:06:59 +0200 )edit