[bug] Contacts are always filed as "LastName, FirstName"
New contact or edited contacts on device have their field "File as" stored as "LastName, FirstName" even though the display option in settings is chosen to display contacts as "FirstName LastName".
It should either follow the display setting or get a new option on how to save it.
edit [2014/10/29]: Following the comment from @VDVsx mentioning that the cause is the non support of the "File as" field, would like to change the request to make the necessary improvements in the sync to avoid loss of data.
@saturn - Not sure if I got you, you are talking about device side only ? This works fine for me, any additional steps to reproduce ?
VDVsx ( 2014-10-22 10:45:49 +0200 )edit@VDVsx here are some steps to reproduce it:
hope it helps
saturn ( 2014-10-26 14:49:37 +0200 )edit@saturn - Ah ok, that field is currently not supported.
VDVsx ( 2014-10-27 08:56:14 +0200 )edit