Where do the E-Mail attachments go to? [answered]
Receiving plain text E-Mails with attachments is going fine - except that there is no trace of any attachment. E-Mails with attached .vcf files appear somewhere in settings. Are the attachments not supposed to appear in the E-Mail after swiping one to the right, where all the other message details are printed? Even signatures from S/MIME disappear.
Not really user friendly, but they appear to be saved in
Tanghus ( 2013-12-24 22:21:12 +0200 )edit~/Downloads/mail_attachments/
Yes, I found this during searching the the root tree in an ssh session. There is indeed such a directory, but most of the attachments are missing. And if they were there, would fingerterm be the only way to retrive them?
ibins ( 2013-12-24 22:26:05 +0200 )edit