Calendars duplicated when creating an event
I created an event on a CalDAV calendar (on my phone), and not only did it not appear, but all events from that calendar disapeared, and I now have that calendar duplicated on my "Manage Calendars" screen:
Deleting the calendar from Settings>Accounts makes both disapear, but there seems to be no workaround for creating new events from my phone.
After adding the calendar again, the duplicates reappear and multiply, making matters worse.
I can confirm this bug appeared after upgrading two of the Jolla phones in my family to Sailfish from version (Tahkalampi) to (Uitukka): I'm using generic CalDAV calendar only (CardDAV disabled) sync with Owncloud server v7.0.3. If I create a new calendar event with Jolla Calendar application then synchronization stops working and random old events may even disappear from Jolla Calendar even though they still may exists on the Owncloud server (and on Mozilla Thunderbird calendar which is also configured as a CalDAV client to the Owncloud server).
Not sure if this is relevant wrt CalDAV between Jolla and Owncloud server, but on the Owncloud server I'm using there are two other users who have shared all their calendars to me and I'm synchronizing all of them to my Jolla.
I've also noticed that sometimes entering the 'Manage calendars' view from the Calendar application pull down menu stalls for a very long time (well above 10 seconds) and finally shows the list of calendars with all entries multiplied several times, just as described in the original question by hobarrera. However, coming back to the 'Manage calendars' view later the calendars entries are listed normally again, once each. I'm using once per hour sync scheduling and there are quite a lot of both recurring and regular events in my Owncloud calendars changing quite often, so perhaps synchronization has been running in the background when I've seen the calendar list temporary multiplication issue?
Ville ( 2014-11-18 09:04:21 +0200 )editThis is fixed for a while, but unfortunately not released, if you are brave enough you just need to compile and install this package:
VDVsx ( 2014-11-20 08:43:53 +0200 )edit@Ville: Not related to owncloud, since I'm using radicale. @VDVsx: I'll look into it. My main concern right now is how to delete the duplicates.
WhyNotHugo ( 2014-11-20 10:21:58 +0200 )edit@hobarrera - If removing acct does not help you can remove calendar db(you will loose all other calendar from device) or use this tool to remove single instances:
VDVsx ( 2014-11-20 10:24:54 +0200 )edit@VDVsx: Deleting all calendars wouldn't be an issue, since I don't use offline (eg: non-caldav) calendars. But I've failed to find the calendar db, regrettably.
WhyNotHugo ( 2014-11-20 12:28:38 +0200 )edit