Want Jolla care contact [answered]
i live in Chhattisgarh India . please give any contact or any address for jolla care....
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
i live in Chhattisgarh India . please give any contact or any address for jolla care....
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Asked: 2014-11-16 10:08:20 +0200
Seen: 257 times
Last updated: Nov 16 '14
Jolla care not responding (AKA:where is my LE TOH?) [answered]
what is the care support procedure?
jolla toll free customer care service
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Skype video call ability [answered]
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Together: identify users who are Jolla employees? [answered]
whats your problem?. I heard that HCL have taken the hw issues of Jolla in India
dillihifi ( 2014-11-16 16:50:37 +0200 )edit