Add A Mobile Web Server & CMS to SailfishOS [not relevant]
One of the features that I've enjoyed on a mobile device for a number of years has been the use of a mobile web server to access content that's on my mobile device, from other devices I own, when they are on the same wireless network (but not in the same room). This kind of activity has continued (on my end) with httpd/Personal Web Server on my N9 - and I've hacked together a mix of Dropbox and TiddlyWiki as a CMS of sorts (not as good as the Python-driven CMS that the Nokia MWS Project had). I think such a use case would open SailfishOS to other kinds of usages towards community-driven mobility, while also allowing for some users to address their own concerns about data federation, security, and communication.
What I imagine this looks like:
- Jolla/SailfishOS user downloads Mobile Web Server package
- is given option during install of just having directory access, or connecting to an existing web service, or using pre-built CMS
- when activated, shows as an Active Tile
CMS would be like OwnCloud or Samsung's Kies Air, enabling access to address book, messages, calendar, photos/media, and listing of repositories/apps and management of those. API to this CMS would allow someone to connect to popular and not-so-popular services for additional sharing, federation, etc. Paid feature would allow for the mapping of MWS/CMS to a dynamic domain provider and offer public IP access to a limited section within that MWS/CMS.
There are multiple apps in OpenRepos:
JSEHV ( 2016-02-08 13:55:59 +0200 )edit