What screen size would you prefer for the "Jolla 2"?
asked 2014-11-25 18:38:49 +0200
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In addition to the recently started poll about the resolution of the next Jolla Phone I would like to start a poll regarding the screen size.
What is the ideal screen size for you?
I have listed a few screen sizes below, just choose one of them. If your prefered screen size is not listed feel free to add it as an answer. Keep in mind that the answer has to be community wiki as well.
Screen size does not really matter, important for me are the dimensions of the device. The current Jolla phone is ok, but I do not want a bigger one. Smaller (just like the N9) would be even better.
inta ( 2014-11-26 00:19:08 +0200 )editSo it looks like Jolla should really consider making two (different sized) new phones, with similar specs.
torcida ( 2014-11-26 00:53:44 +0200 )edit4.5", as is, since it is useable with one hand. And the tablet is on its way... ;-)
R.G. Sidler ( 2014-11-26 01:49:35 +0200 )editThe tablet part has nothing to do. Even if it were a 5"-range phone to be used with both hands, you could not replace it with a tablet.
pulsar ( 2014-11-26 09:16:22 +0200 )edit@pulsar just to help you understand: If I want a bigger screen, I would buy a tablet. That is my personal opinion, which isn't subject to discuss. And, b.t.w. I CAN replace it by a tablet, if I personally want to do so. I for myself know, what I can and what I can't. If you have a different opinion, please state it as such and don't tell people, what they can do or not.
R.G. Sidler ( 2014-11-26 11:04:32 +0200 )edit