Indigogo speed up [not a question]
My impression is that the current Indigogo campaign has reached market saturation.
There are two issues which need to be addressed. First more stretch goals, $3499 for a micro-distributor kit is a big leap from a single $209 tablet.
Second, look at how LH Labs run their campaigns. These guys are making the best use of crowd funding. I'm not suggesting that Jolla go for an all out marketing but try to maintain your initial momentum.
@dies_felices: Unless there's a valid question and a possible answer, I'm closing this post, thanks.
eric ( 2014-12-01 11:46:09 +0200 )editOkay, change to the title, by adding '?' at the end. Then append the following statement to the post.
'Can Jolla achieve their stretch goals?'
dies_felices ( 2014-12-01 11:51:51 +0200 )edit