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[Warranty void! Dangerous!] Just found "compatible" spare battery for Jolla [not relevant]

asked 2014-12-01 22:31:13 +0200

Kollin gravatar image

updated 2015-02-19 16:11:16 +0200

dez gravatar image

Using non Jolla battery voids the warranty and may damage your phone! Also this is not a high voltage battery and using it inside Jolla phone can be dangerous!

It's from Huawey Ascend y330.

It's not perfect fit but it works. And i found similar batteries on ebay :

1800mAh ebay.co.uk

  • 1500mAh ebay.co.uk

  • Here is the video i made : YouTube

  • Yes it's tight but it's not perfect - the plastic grooves on the batteries are different so the battery must be adjusted a little or the grooves filed or cut. See the pics below:

  • Huawei  photo 141200331_zps7bfcee6c.jpg

  • Jolla  photo 141200341_zpse9a2eff2.jpg
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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by nthn
close date 2017-03-06 13:07:20.304726



Thanks man! :)


Spam Hunter ( 2014-12-01 22:37:12 +0200 )edit

can we have a semi official comment?

fotis ( 2014-12-01 22:48:31 +0200 )edit

wo hoo. gonna try, thanks!

mosen ( 2014-12-01 22:56:27 +0200 )edit

What's amazing is that it wits so well even as it is so much shorter!

Pretty neat trick, that :)

juiceme ( 2014-12-01 23:02:30 +0200 )edit

Thanks kollin, that's very useful. Have you checked if the battery has really 1800 mAh?

Fellfrosch ( 2014-12-01 23:39:32 +0200 )edit

7 Answers

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answered 2015-02-20 16:39:16 +0200

simo gravatar image

updated 2015-02-20 16:51:16 +0200

Dear Jolla

Instead of warning us about the dangers of non-jolla-branded batteries, how about guiding us to find those spare batteries which are not dangerous, if you can't provide us one branded by you

This testing with other batteries from various sources is, after all, happening because of the lack of supported batteries. However, thanks for the warnings too - they are important!

I would also like to remind you about this answer, posted September 5th 2014, which clearly informs you about the future, urgent need for spare batteries, even giving an estimation of when. This way, the unlike community has given you all the information needed for you to take required actions, and we hope to see an unlike action: https://together.jolla.com/question/53741/battery-capacity/?answer=55350#post-id-55350

WARNINGS posted under this question so far:

WARNING!!! What is see on batteries images posted here is that many (all?) of them has maximum (charging) voltage 4.2V and Jolla phone uses so called high-voltage batteries with charging voltage 4.35V. I am not sure safety circuit can distinguish normal-voltage battery and use lower charging target voltage for it. So, it can just be very dangerous to charge normal voltage batteries with Jolla phone


Using non Jolla battery voids the warranty and may damage your phone! Also this is not a high voltage battery and using it inside Jolla phone can be dangerous!


P.S. These batteries can even explode if you put it into your device, they are not high voltage batteries!

with the original, official comment:

Dear Community members,

After all these months of discussion about Jolla batteries, we would like to provide an official comment here:

We never recommend using a non-Jolla approved battery on a Jolla smartphone. There are several reasons for this, but most importantly: using a non-Jolla approved battery on a Jolla smartphone might cause damage to the device. And, if this happens, it is a warranty voiding action. So, if you choose to do this, it is at your own risk, and we can’t promise warranty service if your device gets damaged as a result of doing so. you could Some good news here too: we will have a limited batch of spare batteries coming on sale to the Jolla Online Shop very soon. We will announce the availability first to you, TJC Community members, before promoting them elsewhere. It's not a big batch, so you will have to react quickly if you want one. We unfortunately do not have further information on later availability at this stage, but we will keep you posted.

So stick and stay with us for upcoming news!

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Also, a minor note: People might even return their phones after the warranty time and negotiate a full refund at the moment. These phones were sold with official spec "User-replaceable battery", but currently most of the phones have "User-removable battery" (counting out those who managed to get one when there were few sold)

simo ( 2015-02-20 16:46:10 +0200 )edit

this. Please provide the opportunity to buy spare batteries or explain why after 18 months still is not possible to buy spare.

This to many is even more nonsense considering that spare battery would bring you more revenue

c.la ( 2015-02-20 16:51:42 +0200 )edit

@simo I wrote a warning as engineer: it is clear that this battery promotion is dangerous, so I should warn people. IMO, this Q should be even closed to avoid cases like this fatal case happened with some guy in India. Battery availability is another topic.

dez ( 2015-02-23 09:45:34 +0200 )edit

@dez All these warnings are really important, copied each one to my answer to keep them as visible as possible. If closing this q (feel free to do so IMO), I hope we soon see another q guiding us to safe options (e.g. sharing required specs for a battery used on Jolla, exact dimensions etc. if branded by 3rd party)

simo ( 2015-02-23 13:09:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-04 15:09:01 +0200

eric gravatar image

updated 2015-02-20 11:07:11 +0200

dez gravatar image

Dear Community members,

After all these months of discussion about Jolla batteries, we would like to provide an official comment here:

We never recommend using a non-Jolla approved battery on a Jolla smartphone.
There are several reasons for this, but most importantly: using a non-Jolla approved battery on a Jolla smartphone might cause damage to the device. And, if this happens, it is a warranty voiding action. So, if you choose to do this, it is at your own risk, and we can’t promise warranty service if your device gets damaged as a result of doing so. you could Some good news here too: we will have a limited batch of spare batteries coming on sale to the Jolla Online Shop very soon. We will announce the availability first to you, TJC Community members, before promoting them elsewhere. It's not a big batch, so you will have to react quickly if you want one.
We unfortunately do not have further information on later availability at this stage, but we will keep you posted.

So stick and stay with us for upcoming news!

Jolla Team

P.S. These batteries can even explode if you put it into your device, they are not high voltage batteries!

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Ok. Thank you for the update!

Kollin ( 2014-12-04 15:17:03 +0200 )edit

Actually there was no previous communication ;-)

So thanks for this announcement, even if everybody is still wondering why Jolla wasn't able to order more battery than phones and sell them in the Store from the beginning. Seems an easy way to make few extra €, so I imagine there is a reason that prevent you to do it?

Sthocs ( 2014-12-04 15:20:22 +0200 )edit

@eric i would find judicious for an official information, that you or someone of jolla put this as thread with a reminder about what's could happened if someone use non official battery.

cemoi71 ( 2014-12-15 01:26:46 +0200 )edit

@cemoi71: @Kollin edited with our official disclaimer that his well documented compatibility battery claim voids warranty...

eric ( 2014-12-15 11:17:29 +0200 )edit

@eric: it is really well documented indeed, i didn't tell the contrary. but sorry i didn't understand the real way he want tell. i thought it was kind of propaganda with a lot of please take care, then it is your own risk... do you know what i mean? oups...

cemoi71 ( 2014-12-15 12:13:30 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-13 15:02:32 +0200

Kollin gravatar image

updated 2014-12-13 19:27:10 +0200

My new batteries from ebay are here:

Package contents

Batteries close up

I did cut off the plastic pins on bot sides with a modelling knife (it's very easy!)





The result:


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Battery tests:


Battery resistance

Battery results

Kollin ( 2014-12-13 16:39:10 +0200 )edit

Your name and address are visible on the envelope in the first photo, maybe you want to edit those out.

Btw it seems like these batteries are a bit smaller, how do you keep them in place?

nthn ( 2014-12-13 18:01:43 +0200 )edit

@nthn The batteries fit very tightly in their place. ;)

Thank you for noting the address, i'm going to edit the photo

Kollin ( 2014-12-13 18:37:45 +0200 )edit

After first full charge the new battery lasted for 28 hours til phone shut it self off.

Kollin ( 2014-12-15 16:31:34 +0200 )edit

At 100% plugged in charger:

upower -d Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_battery native-path: battery power supply: yes updated: Mon Dec 15 18:47:17 2014 (11 seconds ago) has history: yes has statistics: yes battery present: yes rechargeable: yes state: charging energy: 6.18298 Wh energy-empty: 0 Wh energy-full: 6.18298 Wh energy-full-design: 7.98 Wh energy-rate: 1.30937 W voltage: 4.30994 V percentage: 100% temperature: 29.1 degrees C capacity: 77.481% technology: lithium-ion

Kollin ( 2014-12-15 18:48:32 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-02-19 16:08:07 +0200

dez gravatar image

updated 2015-02-19 16:31:22 +0200

WARNING!!! What is see on batteries images posted here is that many (all?) of them has maximum (charging) voltage 4.2V and Jolla phone uses so called high-voltage batteries with charging voltage 4.35V. I am not sure safety circuit can distinguish normal-voltage battery and use lower charging target voltage for it. So, it can just be very dangerous to charge normal voltage batteries with Jolla phone.

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if its 4.2V spares, i would like to elaborate "very dangerous" to possibly explosive in certain cicumstances to charge with higher voltages, esp. at low battery quality! So make sure using an external charger fitting the spare battery demands.

mosen ( 2015-02-19 21:38:36 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-02 11:08:17 +0200

Crypto gravatar image

Standard Jolla battery is 2100mAh but the tutorial is very cool. Thank you

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How its possible? We have 2014 - selling batteries is easy... Whats wrong with this? Is Jolla batteries MAGICAL or something? :))

albacoris ( 2014-12-04 15:35:17 +0200 )edit

For sure :D

drummer12 ( 2014-12-04 15:38:49 +0200 )edit

I actually wonder why it wasnt possible to just use an already existing battery like the one the Galaxy S3 uses. there are millions of different replacements for it on the market.

michel ( 2014-12-13 16:18:44 +0200 )edit

Because it's designed by samsung, if you want to use it, you have to pay. Furthermore there is more freedom to design the hardware with individual batteries.

drummer12 ( 2014-12-13 22:11:57 +0200 )edit

batteries are not magical, but since they recently held croudfunding campaign, the most probable guess - THEY JUST DON"T HAVE ANY SPARABLE MONEY to make more batteries. All the money they got from investors went to make actual phones! And all the money they made went to pay back investors and sallaries etc, so they just don't have any money! Just that simple! And holding a croudfunding campaigh for batteries... well i just think it will not look that good for their image probably... who knows:)

virgi26 ( 2014-12-14 15:00:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-02-19 15:35:29 +0200

Jolkas gravatar image

Has anyone of you using this compatible spare battery noticed that the "reboot-" or "shutting-down"-issue that a lot of users complain about disappeares or is affected in any other way? I mean: can we get rid off this bug by using those 3rd party batteries?

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@Jolkas I don't know, can you provide a link to this problem?

Kollin ( 2015-02-19 23:41:57 +0200 )edit

temperature could be that problem 'soft' batery

you need voltage and power of ampers

if you use crapy battery wich doesnt provide enought voltage than much more ampers device needs for running

I Do not recommend to use any cheap battery, it could rly explode, bump, smoke fire i have seen a lot and its not fun while you sleeping and charging. its almst crazy to save few coins and risk all above.

pan tau ( 2015-02-20 15:03:04 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-01-08 12:55:04 +0200

Kollin gravatar image

I bought this battery charger from ebay, but it's very slow! Charging the original Jolla battery took 12 hours. it's like watching paint dry, but it does the job. It also has usb port for phone charging - also very slow.

image description

Ebay link, click here!

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Asked: 2014-12-01 22:31:13 +0200

Seen: 7,019 times

Last updated: Feb 20 '15