ACTION: start a discussion on TJC about "spring-cleaning" [answered]
asked 2014-12-09 12:00:17 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
In a mer meeting (action 3. g) I was asked to start a discussion about spring cleaning of TJC. Now after almost a year, and in the current situation with huge amount of unanswered questions, it's great time to execute this action.
The idea presented in the meeting was that Jolla would inform their customers via a Newsletter, and kindly ask them to visit their TJC profile, possibly checking if there are older questions which could be closed / updated / deleted. I'm not exactly sure about what kind of discussion is expected, but probably about the need of this action and maybe the form of the information posted in a Newsletter - so please, let's just start :)
This is a wiki posts, and all answers are to be marked as wikis as well. Here's a few facts and links to give this discussion a nice kick:
- Average question rate: 24 new questions per day
- Average answering rate by Jolla employees: 3.13 per day (or 4.89 per working day)
- Average answering rate by customers/3rd parties: 26 answers per day (including polls)
Related posts:
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When you say "answers", did you only count real answers that were accepted so that the question was closed? Or just any arbitrary string that was submitted using the answer-field in the form? If it's the latter: Is there a way to count real answers (=accepted as such) plus questions closed as duplicates? I'd personally subtract the duplicates from the overall questions asked before going any further. Very interesting to see these figures. I love statistics! ;)
ossi1967 ( 2014-12-09 12:24:08 +0200 )edit@ossi1967 That includes all the answers, calculated by Together app in Jolla Store. As you were interested, I've added a separate answer for the statistics used. The closed questions are filtered using ignored tags (me and others have been active in adding a "reason tag" to each one). But no comments for the cleaning idea from you? ;)
simo ( 2014-12-09 13:32:59 +0200 )editIt would be very useful to help cleaning to be able to display open questions only. Thanks for doing something about it if you can.
Nicolas ( 2014-12-09 14:03:21 +0200 )edit@Nicolas Check my comment below the answer with the statistics - there's a perfect way to achieve that
simo ( 2014-12-09 17:15:55 +0200 )editWasn't there a mail from Jolla a while ago that suggested to check your own questions on TJC? I'm almist certain there was. At least I read a suggestion somewhere to do so and acted accordingly.
ossi1967 ( 2014-12-11 13:37:26 +0200 )edit