2013-12-30 19:59:10 +0200
phle 1259 ●16 ●34 ●38
This may not be the solution to your problem, but a way to side-step it.
Default Russian terms of service sounds weird, unless you have chosen Russian as your system language. I've got UK English right now, but at one point had Swedish.
The page-link I get, when I click the link in "I accept the terms of user agreement":
The corresponding HTML-version:
(I didn't bother. I've bluetooth:ed some .apk-files from my previous main phone (an Android phone), and I've installed F-Droid.
Presently, I'm too lazy for dabbling in the terminal, to make Google-thingies work, so I simply make do with things from Jolla Store and my bluetooth:ed apps.)