2014-12-11 08:24:56 +0200
There are three possibilities, sometimes the media app just needs time to show all the music. Just leave it open for a few minutes.
Secondly you can try downloading Quasar MX from Jolla Store it's an advanced music player with many more functionalities and also support for .wma files and many more. It should cover all of you're music
Thirdly you can try downloading Sailfish Utilities from Jolla store. After installing you will find a new option under settings --> system --> Utilities (at the very end, right upon battery settings). Open Sailfish utilities, there is an option to delete tracker-database, so your Phone will build a new one. I recommend you to do this over night because sometimes tracker-store causes high CPU-Usage (It was the case under 1.0.7.x don't know if something changed since then)
the tracker db seems more stable in U9 so less intervention is required.
the sailfish utilities 'app' puts the clear database option in the settings menu.
r0kk3rz ( 2014-12-11 11:22:08 +0200 )editOk, it's great if things have improved :)
Harakiri ( 2014-12-11 22:26:36 +0200 )edit