[bug] systemd services get no locale information
there is a bug or configuration problem. When systemd services is started, it get's no localization information. LC_* and LANG are not set. Systemd takes this information from /etc/locale.conf which is not present on Jolla.
There is just /var/lib/environment/nemo/locale.conf and no /etc/locale.conf Either systemd should get patched to use locale information from different source or /etc/locale.conf should be provided.
I've tried creating a symlink /etc/locale.conf -> /var/lib/environment/nemo/locale.conf and after reboot, systemd services get the locale information - LANG variable is set.
This workaround solves the ssh locale problem :)
I still hope for a better solution.
An easy reproduction is to print locale in fingerterm, ssh localhost and print again.
This did work before http://www.jollatides.com/2013/12/16/how-to-tweak-jolla-system-locale/
Atomim ( 2015-02-14 18:11:01 +0200 )editWe ran into this problem too: Python checks some locale variables to determine the encoding for shell output and because they're not set it defaults to ANSI_X3.4-1968 which breaks UTF-8 output.
Semoar ( 2015-12-29 14:49:16 +0200 )editWhy isn't this fixed yet? It is still a problem as of 2.1.3. And if you create a symlink /etc/locale.conf, at least the Xperia is messed up and goes into airplane mode after reboot and is stuck there until the symlink is removed and phone rebooted.
johanh ( 2017-10-14 23:02:13 +0200 )edit