Show Wifi signal strength (in app or terminal) [answered]
I'm trying get detailed information about the Wifi signal strength.
Since there is no app in the store I focused on the terminal (and am thinking about writing the myself). However none of the typical linux ways is working. :-/
Usually the wifi signal strength is displayed by "iwconfig", but not on Jolla (root and non-root). Another way that usually works on linux is "cat /proc/net/wireless", but again not on Jolla.
Also I hoped that maybe connmanctl would show the info, but I could not find connmanctl at all (with e.g. pkcon). Instead, I found connman-test; and actually "/usr/lib/connman/test/list-services" shows a number for the signal strength of the cellular and the wifi network. But the wifi strength does not change, even if I walk over the my Wifi Access Point and hold the phone just next to the antenna.
(The first time I tried, the signal strength was always 62, after a reboot it was constantly reported as 45.)
Is it a bug that "iwconfig" and "/proc/net/wireless" do not work and what's the best way to get the current Wifi signal strength (with a high precision)?
Best regards, Mario
I also noticed this strange behaviour with connman-test. It shows a constant of 50. However it does display the mobile network strength correct.
Roundhouse ( 2014-12-28 23:48:07 +0200 )editThe problem is that connman is not updating the strenght unless scan is made.
We have recently patched the wpa_supplicant to be able to read the currentl link status and with that fix you are able to get the current signal level over dbus (fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.SignalPoll).
tigeli ( 2014-12-29 16:20:16 +0200 )editThat does make sense. thanks for the clarification.
Roundhouse ( 2014-12-29 16:25:20 +0200 )edit