Bug: newly generated play queue has no name
When I select a music number in the media app and add it to the play queue, the play queue itself doesn't have a name in the main overview of the music app. I'd expected it to be named somewhere along "Play Queue".
My process is:
- Open the Media app
- Select a song (I get the same results however I choose them, doest matter if its by album, artist or songlist)
- Long tap to display the extra menu ('add to playlist', 'add to play queue', 'delete')
- Select 'add to play queue'
- Go back to the main screen
- Swipe down to get the menu ('new playlist', '[blank space]', 'search')
- Middle menu item doesn't have a name
- Click on the empty menu item
- Find my queue
The process can also be seen here: http://home.jildsma.nl/Jolla/Jolla_playqueue.MOV
I'm using Sailfish (Vaarainjarvi)(armv7hl)