Bug: newly generated play queue has no name

asked 2015-02-05 18:14:56 +0200

Will-Do gravatar image

updated 2015-02-06 11:10:15 +0200

eric gravatar image

When I select a music number in the media app and add it to the play queue, the play queue itself doesn't have a name in the main overview of the music app. I'd expected it to be named somewhere along "Play Queue".

My process is:

  1. Open the Media app
  2. Select a song (I get the same results however I choose them, doest matter if its by album, artist or songlist)
  3. Long tap to display the extra menu ('add to playlist', 'add to play queue', 'delete')
  4. Select 'add to play queue'
  5. Go back to the main screen
  6. Swipe down to get the menu ('new playlist', '[blank space]', 'search')
  7. Middle menu item doesn't have a name
  8. Click on the empty menu item
  9. Find my queue

The process can also be seen here: http://home.jildsma.nl/Jolla/Jolla_playqueue.MOV

I'm using Sailfish (Vaarainjarvi)(armv7hl)

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