Bug: Video black after position change [released]
When watching a video, if it is paused and the position changed, the video goes to black until playback is started again.
Also some formats are not playing, such as flv.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
When watching a video, if it is paused and the position changed, the video goes to black until playback is started again.
Also some formats are not playing, such as flv.
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Asked: 2013-12-25 00:50:59 +0200
Seen: 203 times
Last updated: Sep 10 '15
Show proper length of songs over one hour [released]
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we should with one tap see position bar and should could go forward or backward without having video to stop, and with double tap for example video could pause...
Miki ( 2013-12-25 01:58:14 +0200 )editIs this bug still present? I can't reproduce it, if it's not present anymore, please close this question.
BonoNL ( 2014-06-08 23:16:51 +0200 )editSome format are not playing, it's know. This is caused by copiright of some video codec, maybe in the future we will have Sailfish with all video and audio codec.
When you start to have the first problem?
idro ( 2015-01-08 16:42:24 +0200 )edit