Microsoft Exchange Problem with --> Contacs Problem

asked 2015-03-03 11:33:09 +0200

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updated 2015-03-03 13:53:12 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hello friends,

I have a problem with the proper sync of my exchange email account. The email function works fine, both calenders are also OK, but the synchronisation of my adress book is horrible.

The contacts are only synced at the first setup of the exchange email account!

Attached you see some screenshots of the exchange setup.

Maybe, anybody have a solution for my problem?

image description

Exchange Server Setup:

Link to the right setup for an Android phone (from my email provider):

Kind regards Alex

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Hi, do you experience anything like contacts disappearing from your Jolla while they are intact on Exchange server? Or is it just new entries don't sync at all?

jiit ( 2015-03-03 13:49:04 +0200 )edit


it only does the contact syncronisation at the first setup of the exchange account. Later one there is no sync in both directions.

New or changed entrys will not be synced.

AlexE ( 2015-03-03 14:47:55 +0200 )edit

Are you able to help us debug this issue? (Only relevant if you are willing to enable developer mode)

1) SSH into your device

2) modify the Exchange sync config file to allow verbose debugging traces: /home/nemo/.config/Nokia/activesync.conf --> enable logging for the different categories, especially contacts.

3) stop as-daemon and run again in terminal:

$ systemctl --user stop as-daemon
$ killall as-daemon
$ devel-su -p as-daemon

4) trigger exchange sync via Settings | Accounts | longpress exchange account -> sync

5) the as-daemon terminal should have a lot of debug traces which will help us determine why the sync is failing.

Please send the logs to chris dot adams at jolla dot com

Thanks, Chris Adams.

chris.adams ( 2015-03-04 06:37:38 +0200 )edit

Thank you for the fast answer!

Your setup has been installed/changed but without any influence of the behavior.

I've send you the logfiles/setup of the config file via mail.

Kind regards


AlexE ( 2015-03-04 13:19:53 +0200 )edit

Changes in the adressbook of the telephone will be synced immediately to the server, but not the other way round.

At the moment, is my Jolla the source of all new entrys to the adress book. That's not the right way in my opinion.

AlexE ( 2015-03-04 16:33:33 +0200 )edit