Caldav broken in
Caldav accounts are completely broken for me on
I use a personal Davical server, with a self-signed certificate, if that matters. This used to work in the previous sailfish version. Well, in fact there were various bugs, but at least events from the server were visible and some local changes were synced.
After the system update there were no events visible. So I tried to recreate the account with exactly the same settings. However, the following happens. After entering the account details, I get a list of available calendars, and I can set the sync interval – so far so good. (To me this proves that the server details and credentials are correct, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the list of available calendars.) However, after having entered these details it tries to set up the account and then gives the error "Account needs to be updated settings_accounts-cdav_provider" and the calendar account does not work at all. (The calendars are not listed under "Manage calendars".) When I click on the account in the account list, it says "Not signed in Sign in now to update your credentials for this account". Clicking the "Sign in" button, there is an empty password field. Entering the password and clicking "Accept" leads back to the "Not signed in"-screen, so it does not really help.
This is quite frustrating: I was hoping for the system update to improve the still buggy caldav implementation. It is shocking to instead see it being completely broken.
Same trouble here; filling password and clicking Sign In doesn't seem to contact the CalDav server (according to logs).
anubis ( 2015-03-05 21:19:09 +0300 )editI also use Davical, v., and it works fine both ways pre and post Which version of Davical are you on?
kid ( 2015-03-05 21:26:46 +0300 )editOn server side i use Owncloud 7.0.4.
anubis ( 2015-03-05 21:37:56 +0300 )editMy Davical is at version 1.1.1.
By the way, my "Server address" setting used to be "https://server.tld/davical/caldav.php/$user/"; without the $user part, sailfish could not list the available calendars. With the new version, it can do so also when leaving out the "$user/" suffix. Either way, it doesn't work after the account setup, as described above. This may not be relevant, but you never know.
Arie ( 2015-03-05 22:05:33 +0300 )editIn every version of Sailfish OS there were showstoppers in CardDAV/CalDAV ... broken... shifted time. It is 2015 and Jolla is working on a Table but cannot implement a working CalDAV/CardDAV provider and the worst is, they give it a low priority. That realy piss me off.
kmh ( 2015-03-05 23:51:34 +0300 )edit